Business, according to Neothink is the cornerstone from which our free society was built. This same business, I further learnt through Neothink is the ultimate benefactor of our world. That from the sweats and intellectual integration of great men of commerce came value creation which has sustain our world of today and still promises to further enhance our world of tomorrow. In one word, I am trying to open your eyes to a minute-part of what Neothink is all about. Can you imagine the free world without the intellectual contributions of these captains of commerce? Can you think for a moment the effect, lack of contribution from these great men would have on the quality of life as we experience it today?.
The fact is that all these great men have exactly the same philosophy as the Neothink society. Integrated honesty; which encourages value creation. I am a Neothink member for all the above reasons and, many more. I am excited to discover through Neothink that even I possess the same quality to contribute valuable creations to my society. I have become a better father
Before Neothink, I had a lot of life-destroying habits and going-nowhere attitudes. I would do in excess everything I did that the society labelled a vice. I drank and smoke like my life depended on them. All that mattered to me were those habits that made life absolutely stagnant.
I lacked self confidence. I beleived that I was never-able nor deserved to achieve anything good in life. I married into a relationship where my wife and her family actually opinionized on my life. They determined who I was for me. You see, I smoked weed so I was like a condemned man. A murderer was better than me. The worst part of the story was that I beleived them. They were the righteous ones, the judges of my character and, also the jury. BUT, there was always something inside me that kept telling me I was a better human being that these people were making me out to be. My wife labelled me with all sorts of dispirited name and would gossip about me to anyone who would listen. Some close relatives of mine were amongst her audience. My mother, my brothers, cousins, and my two sisters. The lists went on and on to include my dear friends. I was being persecuted by the one I loved for the main reason of weed smoking.
Along came Neothink’s letters telling me I’d been chosen for a purpose, that I was a special human being; that I would be instrumental in bringing quality to the lives of people around the world! I could not beleive these letters were actually addressed to my person! wow! I am somebody! I am actually worthy! The good Lord had recognised my emotional depression and had actually done something about it, he’d sent me a personal messiah! I could not stop being excited, this noise was so lound in my head saying ‘I told you so, I told you so’ and me going I believe, I believe. I was uplifted from the depth of confusion by the letters I was receiving from a source that did not know me but, certainly knew what to say to make my life whole again. That feelings would never leave me as life with Neothink got even better and better than the letter days. My first Neothink book could’t come any earlier, I could barely walked from A to B without them after I’d read the first couple of chapters. I knew this was something special and I am part of it. I simply became alive again. My wife and children noticed the changes in me and my wife especially must have thought I’d won the lottery because the transformation stunned her. She tried all she could to put me back in “my place” but it wasn’t to be anymore, forever. Neothink had not only set me free, it went away with the emotional bound.
‘The lazy man, the worst father in the world; the useless husband; the frustrated wreck’ has now become the workaholic, the most understanding father in the world, remains a useless husband as my wife is still in shock, works from an office as a budding writer and publisher of children’s vocabulary books, a health instructor and personal trainer and looking forward to be back in the mortgage business as a mortgage broker branch manager. I am paving my way to becoming a value creator and I surely have big plans.
My life ambition is to own chains of massive commercial properties as I have always seen myself as a successful real estate magnate and now through the knowledge, the discipline of Neothink, I am moving closer. I will not exchange the atmosphere of integrated honesty created by Neothink amongst her members, the true love of family is real and alive. And I am alive again and FOREVER.
Thank you the minds that figured out Neothink. I will forever be indebted and soon would the world as well.
Akin S.
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