Dear Mark Hamilton; Diana H. from Cal. and Neothink member said it all so eloquently, that I’m at a total loss of words. Except that Diana deserves many cudo’s and has my total respect for telling it like it is. So the only thing I can add is although I’ve been a free thinker myself for many years and not knowing anything about Neothink until I received my invitation and started researching Neothink, I knew instantly that the Neothink society and twelve visions party were for me. Lastly all I can say is that now more than ever we Neothink members need to pull together and stand united in order to overthrow our present corrupt regime or government.
Thank you and stand united on this matter and we will all prosper
Steve from N. Cal.
Dear Mark Hamilton; Diana H. from Cal. and Neothink member said it all so eloquently, that I’m at a total loss of words. Except that Diana deserves many cudo’s and has my total respect for telling it like it is. So the only thing I can add is although I’ve been a free thinker myself for many years and not knowing anything about Neothink until I received my invitation and started researching Neothink, I knew instantly that the Neothink society and twelve visions party were for me. Lastly all I can say is that now more than ever we Neothink members need to pull together and stand united in order to overthrow our present corrupt regime or government.
Thank you and stand united on this matter and we will all prosper
Steve from N. Cal.
Hi Steve,
You did prove you are not all at a loss for words, LOL. Carefully read Mark Hamilton’s writings. In his books, the Prime Law, which governs the Twelve Visions Party utterly forbids force, threat of force, or coercion of any kind against our people or any contracts made in agreement, and there can be no exceptions to this nature of living a peaceful life.
There is a position statement on where these matters will be settled in a lawful manner in our court systems, which allow no ego-justice from the presiding members of the courts.
In the manner of Gov’t, the Twelve Visions Party Presidential Candidate will be elected by the will of the People, according to the valid present political structures, and there will be a peaceful transition to the new premesis of the TVP, the President working with the Congress to become a Protection Government only.
All the details will be worked out in the following years after election, settled by vote of Congress as a vessel of the People’s will as people become aware of their rights and freedoms inherent in our Constitution first during the Presidential election process and through coming to understand the planks of the TVP, and momentum of knowledge gains the edge over the old system. This is just a capsule, realize.
The Neothink Society will literally stand with the TVP & Prime Law, and work diligently to awaken the people to a new way of living and conducting “politics” in our Nation, and enable We the People to realize how our freedoms and our Constitution have been usurped by the present Political System, due for a needed change of character if the Human Race is to survive and thrive in a new beneficial to LIFE environment!!!
We want to do for our Country, what we have achieved in our Neothink Society=to live LIFE in a blossoming and healthy manner, where the burden of living is erased for all our people, and a creative essence of all is brought forth! I do admire your enthusiasm, and determination, though we do have to come to understand the more subtle points of the TVP and Prime Law, first in our own personal lives and then in the Life of our Country and how it is governed.
Love, Lila Bennett