Faction… love that word!! And the whole idea behind it. The way I see it, you’re saying you took a line of logic idea, a chunk of logical reality, and dressed it up in fancy fiction clothes, to make it more easily assimilated, easier to follow…I can see that with Miss Annabelle’s story, and like many other people, I loved it. I laughed, and I cried, and I raged at the injustices, the base envy and cruelty, and rejoiced in love reunited, joyful reconnection and deep friendships, and also at the thought process extrapolated out to the logical conclusion of what if we recreated our cultural reality in this manner; politicians who aren’t political, and who really do work for the public good; industry and technology that is run by caring and thoughtful people, rather than money and power mongers who can’t see the forest for the stripmining site; and medical breakthroughs that are created without duping poor 3rd world people into being unknowing lab-rats by monstrously unethical pharmaceutical giants. A world of genuineness, love, and caring where being a Methuselah would be a gift. Certainly a worthy dream!
Lisa N.
Faction… love that word!! And the whole idea behind it. The way I see it, you’re saying you took a line of logic idea, a chunk of logical reality, and dressed it up in fancy fiction clothes, to make it more easily assimilated, easier to follow…I can see that with Miss Annabelle’s story, and like many other people, I loved it. I laughed, and I cried, and I raged at the injustices, the base envy and cruelty, and rejoiced in love reunited, joyful reconnection and deep friendships, and also at the thought process extrapolated out to the logical conclusion of what if we recreated our cultural reality in this manner; politicians who aren’t political, and who really do work for the public good; industry and technology that is run by caring and thoughtful people, rather than money and power mongers who can’t see the forest for the stripmining site; and medical breakthroughs that are created without duping poor 3rd world people into being unknowing lab-rats by monstrously unethical pharmaceutical giants. A world of genuineness, love, and caring where being a Methuselah would be a gift. Certainly a worthy dream!
Lisa N.
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