To whom it concerns,
I have now been studying under Mark Hamilton’s mentoring program with all the fine literature and guidance in the monthly mentoring program. I have been totally changed in my life. I am studying and trying to grasp all of his big picture for our changing the present C of U and transforming all our lives everywhere on the planet. The TVP and Clubhouses and soon the Godman/Mangod concepts and a new Bible even to re structure our lives and finally find a place in life where we can be honest and humble and free to be independently Wealthy Health and Happy individuals. I am presently trying to catch up and complete levels 8 thru 12 and move on and help others learn as I am continuously learning but reading the literature and attending club house meetings and participating in developing the growing TVP so we can start having our people represented in the political arena.
This has taken me so far about 3 years and much struggling to reach a point where I can do more help more understand more completely and be more complete in my self and be able to break away from the old system of thinking and reaching up to a new approach in living forever with Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s philosophy being in the forefront to help guide us all in the New Order we are all now creating. So we can be Value Creators and appreciate and enjoy our Friday night essences and all the other nice benefits involved in being a member of Neothink SOS..I am humbled by all he has and is doing to make this all happen and honored to be a part of this new movement and process in living free and independent.
G.Bruce G
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