The world did not accept Jesus Christ because they did not understand his teachings and his Gospel so do they with Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton is in the same level with Jesus Christ in the sense that ALL he does and says is based on INTEGRATED HONESTY. His literature and the TWELVE VISIONS are too good to be true. The best way to know the journey is by walking that journey.
His introduction of NEOTHINK (new think) is incredible as it opens a new space in anybody’s mind to work like a computer. Indeed, the NEOTHINK SOCIETY is the machine society that see to it that everything is done with integrated honesty (
I like the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) because it is the only non ruling party at present. I call all the political parties, religions, and people of all races to join the TVP to stop the rule of man with intentions for power over other people and to use force. As a TVP member, we want to depoliticize every country in the world so that we may protect every individual equally. That can be done by introducing the PRIME LAW which forbids the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person or group against any individual. Property or contract. The TVP will make ALL the people RICH including the poor by introducing THE PROTECTION ONLY BADGET. For more information, I refer you to:
All the political parties of all governments in the world have failed to eradicate corruption except TVP. If every government were honest, every individual would be rich. My own country had corruption of more than R48billion in the past. Every individual would have been a millionaire if that was equally divided per person. If we were all rich, there would be no corruption, starvation, theft, jealousy, hate, pride, diseases, polygamy, aging and death.
I beg all the political governments to stop using any kind of force so that we can have a Neothink TVP president and achieve our goal of having HEAVEN on earth.
Thank you MARK HARMILTON to have been peaked to change the world from evil to honesty and good. The enemies of good and honesty will say you believe in SATANISM.
Percival ngcobo
Well said. I too have joined the Twelve Visions Party. I can hardly wait to see a TVP president in office.