I am a new member of Neothink. I have read about this organization and have surmised that it would benefit this world of ours greatly. Man has been struggling needlessly through lifetimes of pain and suffering long enough. Looking back throughout our history proves this. We have now, at this point in time, matured enough as human beings to realize that we are meant to live at much higher potentials. We can make positive differences to our planet in which people can live with intelligence, improved relationships, greater scientific knowledge and understand finally that there is no “monster” behind our closet door any longer. Man has finally grown up! The main goal of man is happiness. This is the future of mankind. Mankind has struggled long enough under the whims of politics and religion. These two systems were created throughout history to control societies. They have caused great unrest, destruction, and misery. We have evolved beyond these self advantageous organizations full of untruths. We know and now realize, that the “real” reason for their existence is to control man by fear. Not by honesty or equality. It it time to branch out and know the true nature of these organizations. History proves time and time again that certain people want to have total control of our freedoms for their own private benefit. People today have stated that slavery is finally over. I ask you, is it really? Look around you and you will realize that we are still slaves. If we try to defeat “the system” then we are called out casts and criminals. They have no real proof what they manipulate into lies. They convince society with fallacies that we are inferior and must be secretly eliminated if we do not agree with them. One of their famous great lies pushed upon us was this statement, “You can believe this for sure, that there are two main irrevocable true facts in life: ‘death and taxes’.” These two organizations have caused enough damage. If we understand this and can have an open mind as intelligent beings, then changes for the better will result.
I fail to understand why these two organizations continue to obstruct us. What do the fear? It is that they will loose control of our minds being that we have been under their wings for too long? Are they starting to realize that man is advancing to the point that these two belief systems are becoming slowly obsolete. Man can and will control his own future destiny. He will succeed because this is man determination. All throughout time, man has been advancing slowly, but still advancing either way. This cannot be stopped! His quest for knowledge is to improve his way of life for a totally peaceful, free and improved society. If enough people realize this, and become strong together, it will happen no matter what. Science will not and must not be curtailed. It must be allowed to advance. I repeat, there is no more monster in the closet. There never was. We will succeed if we put our minds together as one mass. It is our future. Our future is who we are, us, and the future is just beginning now if we want it..
George K.
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