To whom it may concern
I am posting this truth on behalf of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. I have read Mark Hamilton’s literature and it has changed my life in such a positive way that I can’t put it in to words. The Twelve Visions Party offers this world what we all yearn for and what our fore fathers and the founders of this country yearned for. The people who slander Mark Hamilton and the TVP are the ones holding us back as a society. It has become obvious to so many of us that our so called “leaders” only wish to rule over us instead of empower us. They have destroyed our economy and caused us nothing but inflation and debt. They have destroyed the job market and made it nearly impossible for hard working Americans to live the American dream. We all know that things are getting worse when they should be getting better. Why listen to the people who give us empty promises and no results.
The TVP comes from a place of love, Freedom and intellect opposed to misplaced power and control.
Imagine a world of prosperity and abundance instead of inflation and debt. Imagine a world where jobs grow and expand instead of becoming outsourced and bankrupt. Imagine a world without such destructive institutions such as the I.R.S.!!
Imagine a world where we share and intelligently manage our earths natural resources opposed to allowing such a small percentage of the worlds population dominate them for their own selfish agenda.
The constitution was written for “we the people” and “we the people” should have a say what happens with our planet and our lives. The TVP offers us that freedom.
We all know that things are bad but so many of us don’t know what to do about it. The TVP offers the change that we have been searching for. The TVP will empower us and allow us to grow beyond our wildest dreams. It’s time for something real. It’s time to look past all of the political propaganda and evolve as a society.
I’m not asking anyone to take my word for it but I am asking you not to take anyone else’s word for it either. The people who seek to stop Mark Hamilton and the TVP have already failed us and we all know it. I sincerely encourage you to read Mark Hamilton’s literature and research the TVP before you listen to the people causing all the problems.
Thank you Mark Hamilton and the TVP for all of your love, courage and integrity. Thank you for standing up and doing the right thing, you truly are and inspiration and a credit to this world. I love and support you 100 %. And thank you for whoever is reading this for having an open mind.
Much Love,
Brian W
I will vote for the Twelve Visions Party. The great website of has answers.