As the minutes go by, I am realizing more of the building of my greatest desire, from about age 14, which was and is to develope an efficent mental state that would allow me to achieve whatever value I choose to set as a goal. With the “Prime Law” as my Guide and my intergrating other Neothink-Science to my life, I am confident, counter-productivity, is not an option for me. With an exhilerated disposition, thank you, compassionate and brilliant man; Mark Hamilton.
As the minutes go by, I am realizing more of the building of my greatest desire, from about age 14, which was and is to develope an efficent mental state that would allow me to achieve whatever value I choose to set as a goal. With the “Prime Law” as my Guide and my intergrating other Neothink-Science to my life, I am confident, counter-productivity, is not an option for me. With an exhilerated disposition, thank you, compassionate and brilliant man; Mark Hamilton.
Counter-Productivity is not human nature, our nature is to be creators of a beautiful, peaceful, harmonious planet in which we all can share and live in. I know the exhilaration you must feel to know this true. And thanks to Mark Hamilton who helped us see through the vails of illusions, so a better vision of ourselves can be created.
I’m glad Mark Hamilton and Neothink has shown you the way to your desires.
I do not know, but I think your child of the past is working with exhilertion and disposition toward to The Prime Law,The Neothink Society, and the great man: “Mark Hamilton”.