I am very fortunate to be involved with Neothink and now the TVP. I had in the past been very political. Right-wing. I would get into arguments with people on the left. How could they think like that? I did on some level think that they thought what they believed was right but they were just missing the picture. But the arguments went round and round. Point – Counter – Point. Some very emotional opponents were easy to shut down. They could not argue with anything but their feelings. And I would walk away with a superior feeling, crushing them. But occasion I would come across an adversary who used reason. We could counter each other so perfectly. Basically canceled each other out. What was going on here? I had to study more. Get my arguments stronger. It wasn’t until I had began to understand the Neothink material, that I saw the illusion. A VERY BIG ILLUSION. Politics is a sucker trap that almost no one can get out of. It pulls you in through pride and ego and emotions. Why had it been set up this way? Libertarians? What about preemptive strikes for our own protection? Liberals? Why should I give my money to those who won’t work? Conservatives? What is with your God in the arguments? What Mark Hamilton is attempting through the TVP is the most ambitious, revolutionary step for the planet. No more same old arguments. No more illusions to keep us at each other’s throats. The purpose of life is to prosper and the purpose of government is to allow that! That’s it, let man evolve and create values and reap the benefits of those creations. Now when someone tries to pull me into a political argument I can see the giant pendulum swinging. If we keep on keeping on nothing ever changes. My people get in then get corrupted, get kicked out, then your people get in get corrupted, then get kicked out… Sick vicious cycle and we thought that was the only way. The TVP is here to change all that.
John S.
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