Greetings Mark H,
I am writing to express my thoughts on what Neothink means and where I see things going in the future.
I believe we are all on the eve of great changes in all aspects of our society, NT being in the forefront of the army of light. The coherent, and organized way by which Neothink is helping people to “Wake Up” and break the chains of old dogmas and superstitions was very helpful to me as I’m sure to every person who chose to listen.
If one feels that Neothink gave them nothing tangible for their participation, then that person chose the ignorance of bliss and shut himself from acknowledging the universal truth.
The current political and economic situation of the world would be best described as the calm before the storm. The current political and economic models have failed themselves and the people are in need of something new.
We’re on the verge of something really big. It’s going to be a total collapse of the 300-year-old political order, and the beginning of a new one.
If you give people the tools they will get rich.
All existing currencies will be abolished. A universal currency will be adopted based on the work effort one puts in and its benefit to the society.There will be abolition of problems by advancements in technology. Technology and science will do away with communism and capitalism by the application of chaos theory. Technology will do away with war.
Man is not finished. He is on the brink of a formidable mutation which will confer on him the powers the ancients attributed to the gods.
Expanding cosmic consciousness will evolve humankind into beings of truth and light. Human minds will empty fear, uncertainty, psychic phenomena and mental waste from their consciousness. The battle between good and evil will no longer polarize the human mind into false judgments as these phantasms of deception and control will soon vanish from the forefront of human thought. The infection of addiction and consumption shall also pass, as will the disbanding, fragmenting, splintering and destroying of source knowledge and wisdom. Twisted knowledge and misguided wisdom shall no longer be used to control the human mind or spirit. Nothing shall be hidden.
As a collective, humanity will realize that it has become a beast of competitive egos, political separatism and endless ethnic divisiveness, compounded by religion and bad governments. Individuals will become peacemakers and lovers of life, able to contribute to the compassionate reasoning of the collective to allow mankind to live through its daily rebirth and rise above the ashes of yesterday’s destruction.
The future of humanity shall be filled with light. Human beings will realize the inextinguishable truth that will surface from a sudden shift in intellectual and spiritual capital. A new balance will emerge in societies around the world, providing collective ways to create growth through means of innovation and co-operative economic parity.
The reins of power shall be tightened by a more responsible and secure intellectual community. This will develop a more united, globally oriented human society to form a single, non-political world government with centralized powers that respect all cultures, languages and economies.
The New World Order will be born.
Mark S (Basilides)
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