Hello Mark.
I guess I owe you a thank you. If was funny how just before i was introduced to NEOTHINK, I was wondering what was happening in this world. everyone was living to die. I Thaught to myself Iam a intelligent man, well traveled. Why do I have to struggle so much?
I thaught,” Is it because i have evaded religion, only because I do not agree with it teachings. I was thinking about studying Buddism. Then I recieved a letter in the mail that intoduced me to Neothink.I realized quickly that this is what my mind has been telling me all along, I slowly absorbed the information, and realized that I was taking control back of my life with no effort, My thaughts began to change, I became more conciderate, focused, positive,organized, intouch with myself, just overall happy.Sure I have tough times still but it seams so much easier to get through them. I like who Iam. I have learned alot from you Mark & Neothink. I look forward to learning more..
Thank you
Gary C
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