Of course I have a lot to learn and I am just also becoming familiar with your web site. May I add to your secret knowledge my weird ideas? This is not exactly about anti-aging or as outrageous as time-travel but merely mundane physics. First of all, thank-you for selecting me! Here is an example of the next step in the evolution of physics. Here quanta means limited “real estate” of complimentary quantities. So, to recast special relativity (sparing you the mathematics) that is why mass increases while time dilates! (By the way, a quanta has no more “real estate” left to allow traveling the speed of light or greater.) This is the shape future physics will take. Bye-by Einstein. Hello quanta. Einstein was right! Quantum mechanics probability is a smoke screen, a probability curtain hiding what really happens! I think I would be angry “anti-society” would not even help me develop these ideas! If you did not realize this, already, your Neothink society uses the physics principle of resonant frequency! That’s why it works! What is your “natural frequency”? I still have not heard back from you about this. Do you even want this? If so, how do you want me to transmit this to you behind closed doors?
Rod W
Of course I have a lot to learn and I am just also becoming familiar with your web site. May I add to your secret knowledge my weird ideas? This is not exactly about anti-aging or as outrageous as time-travel but merely mundane physics. First of all, thank-you for selecting me! Here is an example of the next step in the evolution of physics. Here quanta means limited “real estate” of complimentary quantities. So, to recast special relativity (sparing you the mathematics) that is why mass increases while time dilates! (By the way, a quanta has no more “real estate” left to allow traveling the speed of light or greater.) This is the shape future physics will take. Bye-by Einstein. Hello quanta. Einstein was right! Quantum mechanics probability is a smoke screen, a probability curtain hiding what really happens! I think I would be angry “anti-society” would not even help me develop these ideas! If you did not realize this, already, your Neothink society uses the physics principle of resonant frequency! That’s why it works! What is your “natural frequency”? I still have not heard back from you about this. Do you even want this? If so, how do you want me to transmit this to you behind closed doors?
Rod W
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