I hear most people talk about their life in America; and how they want their life to get easier and be more rewarding. I listen and think I am happy to be in NEOTHINK. Neothink and all the like minded people has helped me grow, and have a rewarding life.
I know my passion in life, and see other people find their passion in life also, but we can not attain our true passion and develop it in the society we are in now. With Neothink, and Mark Hamilton-America, we all will be able to develop our passions, have great health, joy, love, money, see and feel all the bounty of our lives develop before our open eyes.
Margaret Levine
I hear most people talk about their life in America; and how they want their life to get easier and be more rewarding. I listen and think I am happy to be in NEOTHINK. Neothink and all the like minded people has helped me grow, and have a rewarding life.
I know my passion in life, and see other people find their passion in life also, but we can not attain our true passion and develop it in the society we are in now. With Neothink, and Mark Hamilton-America, we all will be able to develop our passions, have great health, joy, love, money, see and feel all the bounty of our lives develop before our open eyes.
Margaret Levine
This all so very true NEOTHINK and the way of life it offers can not come to soon as far as I am concerned
I agree that Mark Hamilton and all the like-minded people of the Neo-Think Society have helped me to grow. They have helped me to grow in more ways then words could ever express.
I look so forward to my future and the future of
others as Mark Hamilton takes his Twelve Visions Party to the top.
In the future republic of the U.S., as propounded by Mark Hamilton (Founder of the Twelve Visions Party), words like “The American Dream,” “passion for living,” “rewarding life,” and other such phrases, will take on renewed beautiful meanings for all people acoss the land. I recommend folks read his “Wealth, Health, Peace.” Liz Szarka
So true Margaret, after all, Neothink, the word means new way of thinking. The way people think today is’nt changing anything for the better. After all 2+2 doesn’t add up to 5 so, some new thinking is required there.