It was the third letter that I received that June. The first letter was from an “Internationally known” psychic; the second was a letter from a “Nationally prominent” minister.
The psychic promised me wealth and love and great fortunes within the next month, but, I had to dance the way she told me to dance or all of her psychic thoughts about me would vanish forever and she would turn her thoughts to the next person. I also had to carry a funny looking thing around with me for the thoughts to concentrate on me.
The letter from the religous leader was similar: in his letter to me, I was promised that the heavens had opened up for me and finally recognized my true worth as an individual. All of my luck would be good and all evil was banished from my life. As I recall, they included a cross made from paperboard that I was to put under my pillow for a period of time and then mail it back to them…all of the blessings would be cancelled if I didn’t comply.
Then came the letter from the Neothink Society. It contained a message that appealed to me. Now, I shall start my story. I have probably read 90% of every ‘positive thinking’ article or book ever published. All of them attempted to get the reader to experience something that the author had learned over a period of years or that the insight came to them inately.
Neothink promised to show me how to do FOR MYSELF what others promised to do for me. I didn’t immediately jump on to this opportunity as I thought “yea right” another promise that was as full of holes as everything else that has come my way over the last 25 years. I did send for the Orientation booklet after a couple of weeks.
When it arrived it hinted that the processes in the booklet were already working for me…to the point that I researched all over everywhere to try and find the 2300 year old secrets on my own. There was even a reference to a book published in the late 1700’s that I tried to find in The Library of Congress. I was surprised to find the number of books actually published in that century. I still did not persue this matter but, the Orientation booklet was correct. Something was working in my own brain to find these secrets of life so obviously missing.
About six months went by and I awoke with the very clear message ‘buy the books, there are several to chose from.’ The very next day I got a followup letter from The Neothink Society and I immediately was thankful that I had gotten another chance to look closley at their offer. I made the best purchase that I have ever made that day.
After reading the first volume I knew that I had to continue with the program. Finally, all of my searches came together in one Crystal Clear Moment and that is I and I Alone Am Responsible for all that is me and has happened to me.
Boy, how depressing to realize that all of the crap in my life was based on my own decisions and that there was no one else to blame but ME!
I am slowly recovering from that mental state, my under-utilized brain has somewhat atrophyed and I have trouble thinking in the big picture sense of knowing that I can make a difference in my life. I know that good things are being generated within me and even though I am not yet an Integrated Thinker, I know that I do have a very surpressed creative side of my brain and an extremly dominate logical side that is resisting my every move. Neothink thanks for turning on the light…NOW I have to do is to leave the darkness and follow MY own light.
Dave A.
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