I would like to preface this with the definition of neo-cheater: When I was 7, 8 and 9 years old, I had the clearest notion in all my life what a cheater was: A cheater was a person who broke the rules, then changed the rules to justify the breaking. It was also a person who broke the rule, and then accused the victim of the rule breaking of wrong doing to justify the rule breaking. It was also the rule-breaker who overpowered the innocent one to succumb to the rule breaking. At that tender age I found it was the Grown-ups who did the bulk of the cheating. Other kids only mimicked those adults and therefore became cheater protégé’s. What is the rule/s? the rules are the things we all inherently know is right with full disclosure of the conceptual situation. If you found a 100 dollar bill it is yours right? A cheater would say yes finder’s keepers even if they found the hundred-dollar bill on grandma’s washing machine. Where, if you found it on a sidewalk blowing in the wind, wit h no one around looking for it. That is a boon. Have fun in your psychology class and ask the above scenario, and watch these feel-good students ostracize you for picking up and keeping the money. Some would say to find the local business and turn it in… like they would…
God will know the difference. And within you the truth is there. 1 Kings 19:9-13 when you go against that, you are cheating. Some poor souls are programmed to believe the bad or wrong things. This kind of programming comes from adults in a child’s life. (Santa or government is always good, or the earth is flat.) There are also various religious leaders who will mess up a kid’s head during church services. (I saw a southern Baptist preacher carrying on and he said “Jesus signed the Old Testament with His own Blood!” I am still amused that for a long time I went around looking through bibles trying to check out Jesus’ handwriting). I also see where preachers will preach on a certain section of the bible for example: John 10 verses 1-21. It is in regards to the good shepherd and the sheep. This preacher read and expounded on all verses except verse 16. You see pastors do not want to think about the “other sheep” of that herd I am. It is because I won’t listen to hired hands (preach ers) or those wolves (those in churches who uses the bible with that nagging nasty faced voice to beat down the innocent) that wear sheep’s clothing. (They look like Jesus followers, but they undermine all that He taught) The pastors don’t like to acknowledge these other sheep (honest innocents).
It is so amazing to find that I finally found a people who has read the Bible and took the passages at face value! When I first became a “Christian”, I went off by myself and read the Bible in its entirety for a whole year. Each time I read, I would pray to God that He would show me what HE meant by the passages within. At the start of that year I TOLD God that it was “You, me and this Book” I don’t want to hear other peoples ideas/versions/slants/takes about what was in the Bible or the stories in it. I meant it too. I got to understand completely about the absolute moment that the “sin” took place, why hamburger a forbidden food, why women were to be left alone after child birth, what it was about “witch-craft” that was frowned upon, and how the consciousness became man in the birth of Jesus.
Having gotten a clear understanding of the communication from God in the Bible, I felt confident enough to hang out with other Christians and Christian churches. The first church I attended my gut instinct said to go to was pretty reasonable. The pastor would spend hours on the phone with you if there was a concept that didn’t work for you and you were not wrong for having disagreed with him or the point illustrated in the Bible (Paul’s writings), more importantly, that church didn’t ever ask for money. The Pastor there was sickened with the other churches and their financial shenanigans. That Pastor believed that your relationship with God was YOUR relationship with God. And that included your monetary relationship with God was nobody else’s business. He acted thus: The church does not need your money to exist, if it is a right church, and all was going properly, the money would show on its own. He was right. Strangers from all points of the globe would send money. Funny, it wa s a small church in Alaska and the pastor often had no idea who these people were, or why they were sending money.
Do understand there are some points of discourse between Neothink and the Christian bible, most of which, I find is in the semantics. But is it not written: “Let us reason together.”? This is healthy, for Jesus never begrudged any well-articulated and well thought out question. See in the bible the gentile woman who asked her daughter to be healed, and her reference to the crumbs from the table. We in the church have been cheated greatly! If on the sign out front of the church it says the pastor or head of the church is Someone’s name other than Jesus or God, forget it. If an organization is needed in a church run as quick as you can! I mean grab your children and run! However there is more truth in neo tech. It is that honest approach (Neothink) I believe should be taught to children, after that I really think all children should be allowed to read the bible in its entirety WITHOUT preachers definitions and such. If a child is given to read a novel such as Lord of the Rings, th ey do not need to be told what means what. It is perfectly reasonable for the child at that time to be able to conceptualize the stories in the bible. They should never be required to memorize it at all! Especially the Chapter and verse references. When I find someone who has memorized the chapter and the verse numbers then spouts the words they are ignorant of the concept of the whole thing, thereby missing the whole point.
I see more Jesus in Neothink than churches. Jesus used many parables where he used business examples. He showed in one parable where a value creator was running his business and value producers were complaining about how the business (pay) was distributed; the value creator was right in the end. Jesus showed that God was like that value creator.
If you call yourself a Christian and don’t take an honest approach to new-tech, than you are not just a Pharisee, but a blind Pharisee who has the eyes and refuses to see.
Sincerely, in love,
Elizabeth M.
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