Dear Mark: I sent a lengthy testimonial a month or so ago. I tried to locate it in my files, as well as yours, but could not locate it. I posted in one of your websites. I am hoping it can be found. Feel free to modify it, because I may have mentioned your father, as I am particularly partial to his brilliance. Know always, that I am behind your efforts, and that I intend to make up for lost time due to the present crisis, so far as financial help is concerned, but I do need time to do so.
Kindest regards, Rey S
Hello Rey,
It is easy to be behind one who is genuinely interested in each member’s personal growth. Mark Hamilton,founder of the Neothink Society, is a loving honest businessman with a willingness to help others become successful in all areas of life. He has learned and shares those family values with us. To learn more get a copy of Wealth, Health, Peace at 888-859-6859. Also to find out about the new political party go to Visit us, the
Twelve Visions Party and become part. Catch a hug!
Jill Reed
Dear Rey,
I thank you for your generous nature. I am with you about giving in this Neothink Society. What I have received back is absolutely priceless, and this pertains to my personal development here. I am looking forward to help put in motion our Twelve Visions Party, and all its solutions!
Love, Lila Bennett