Mark Hamilton and Neothink IS THE TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUTTT……PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!! Ask yourself people…..why does a big federal agency need to protect you from such a small time scam artist or huckster????? and how is he a threat??? All I can say, is Do you think you should let the government do YOUR thinking for YOU??? And let them decide what is or is not a threat to YOU, ME, or anyone… Who are they to make that determination???? What area of expertise qualifies them to make that assertion??? There resume in all departments of public service CLEARLY…and I mean CLEARLY demonstrates, they do not possess the expertise in any department of our lives, based on their resume over the last thirty years. Just look at where WE are as a nation and a people!!!! YOU sure don’t need me to bring that to your attention!!!! Where’s your job? If you still have one? Your neighbor, friend, relative???? All I know issss.. My life has been turned a 180 degrees after meeting Mark Hamilton and Neothink…How about YOU?????? Don’t be scammed by the real scam artists…its a 2300 yr old concept(DIVIDE N CONQUER) AKA…your 2-Party system(YOUR FOR AND YOUR AGAINST) AKA YOUR LEFT>>YOUR RIGHT>>>We need to UNITE PEOPLE!!!!! And Mark H is the Ways and Means to accomplish that!!!!!!
Bobby K
Mark Hamilton and Neothink IS THE TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUTTT……PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!! Ask yourself people…..why does a big federal agency need to protect you from such a small time scam artist or huckster????? and how is he a threat??? All I can say, is Do you think you should let the government do YOUR thinking for YOU??? And let them decide what is or is not a threat to YOU, ME, or anyone… Who are they to make that determination???? What area of expertise qualifies them to make that assertion??? There resume in all departments of public service CLEARLY…and I mean CLEARLY demonstrates, they do not possess the expertise in any department of our lives, based on their resume over the last thirty years. Just look at where WE are as a nation and a people!!!! YOU sure don’t need me to bring that to your attention!!!! Where’s your job? If you still have one? Your neighbor, friend, relative???? All I know issss.. My life has been turned a 180 degrees after meeting Mark Hamilton and Neothink…How about YOU?????? Don’t be scammed by the real scam artists…its a 2300 yr old concept(DIVIDE N CONQUER) AKA…your 2-Party system(YOUR FOR AND YOUR AGAINST) AKA YOUR LEFT>>YOUR RIGHT>>>We need to UNITE PEOPLE!!!!! And Mark H is the Ways and Means to accomplish that!!!!!!
Bobby K
Bobby you are right on the Mark ! Good Job