This idea keeps coming up in my mind: Honest leadership is really all about inspiring others with a vision of how things could be, and building that vision so that others can FEEL the emotions of that vision and can see how that vision can come true.
Mark Hamilton has done this with his multigenerational manuscripts. Interwoven with the vision and the context that demonstrates how the vision will almost certainly come to pass, there are personal advantages that can be used immediately by any reader.
The more I think about it, the more of a genius Mark Hamilton appears to me. How do you motivate people to educate themselves about wide sweeping political ideologies? You interweave that education with tools to help anyone here and now to create the personal life they dream of living – and show how this personal life connects up with the larger vision.
I have already started using this principle in my own marketing – providing immediate life-lifting values, while at the same time providing a step into the larger vision of a future worth creating. My customers win in three ways – by gaining immediate advantages, by seeing the larger vision they are able to plan their own value creations into the future increasing their long range profitability, and by accelerating the scrubbing action that will clean sweep this world in the next few years – bring life lifting values to everyone.
It is hard to imagine the incredible GOODNESS of what Mark Hamilton has created with the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink® Society. Everyone who gets involved now will be ahead of the game as things continue to unfold. Everyone that gets involved gains immediate advantages that accelerate the expansion.
When I see more and more people picking up and running with the Vision that Mark Hamilton has set before us, I can see the future unfolding before my eyes. It really is unavoidable. Whether or not you step up, your life will be wonderfully benefited by Mark Hamilton, The Neothink® Society, and The Twelve Visions Party.
Yon Cole
Your descriptive words of “unfolding and clean sweep” made me picture a field of flowers in bloom which was very reassuring. The TVP and Neothink Society will definitely provide the fruitful soil for the Civilization of the Universe to flourish.
Mark Hamilton is the GOOD MAN definitly he is. He has took our lives in a conciesness manner to unfold ours lives for the best with knowledges that The Neothink Society, and The TVP party provide us.
Yes, very Yon…thank-you. I appreciate your insightful remarks. Neothink is truly an application for renewal of human spirit when we read and apply Mark Hamilton’s total vision!
Yon, you definetly have a depth of vision. While reading your testimonial I could not help, but get inspired, and visualize a world where everyone is creating from their FNE a world worth living. And for this to happen, it’s important to establish a political party which will allow this possibility to exist. Mark Hamilton is a genius, a visionary and The Twelve Visions Party is what we need to make everyone’s dream come true.
Thanks Sanford! I’s amazing to me to see what aspects of Mark Hamilton’s visions people find most important or stimulating. My life has become so EXCITING and FAST PACED since I read Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts, and looking ahead just a few months, I can already see that I really am being set up for EXPONENTIAL growth in ALL areas of my life. Even Just a month or two from now, my life is going to be dramatically different! – AND FOR THE BETTER!
The LOVE that I feel for my life and every precious life, is amazing.
Thanks for your comment!
Yon you have said everything in a nutshell.
Mark Hamilton is not just a genious but the
Phrophet of this century and the future. He
is very close to being a God/Man. I and my
family are looking forward to peace in the world, everyone rich even the poor, This great
nation of ours restored to being the best and our troops woman and men at home again. Great
scientefic achievements, to end the ageing process,to allow individuals the right to live
for immortality, to properly educate the young
and help them furfill there destiny in this world. To replace the current powers to be with
honest businessmen/and women whom follow the
Prime Law of the world added to our consitution.
S.W.Cramer 3rd
12 Visions Party