Mark Hamilton’s teachings are VALUE LADEN. By reading his books he changes the way you think. This new way of thing is THE ANSWER to our current problems we are experiencing economically.
The information is so BADLY NEEDED right now world-wide, but especially here at home. I am grateful for getting to know this information. It has been invaluable. My business has done well despite current conditions.
His work is so value laden that I could not say enough about it, but the manuscrips must be read, studied and made second nature. Then nothing can stop you, period.
Seriously, his hard thinking allows him to provide us with a doable framework for getting us out of the current economic mess, and go FAR beyond. Here is someone who actually has a workable solution. Have you head anyone with a REAL SOLUTION?
Therefore, the Twelve Visions Party is the only solution for us currently. The incumbents have worn out their welcome.
It is time for leaders to spend wisely and follow through on their promises while acting with integrity, regardless of party.
It is time for each person to take their power and lead themselves. Hamilton shows us how. Thank you so much for that.
Hi Antonio,
You are correct Antonio,
Mark Hamilton’s Multi-generational manuscripts does change your way of thinking. If we could get everyone to read these Heirlooms everyone would start thinking positively. That in itself would make great changes in the world. If we could get this information taught in the schools, to our children at young ages like Ms. Annabelle did, we would rid the world of crime, hatred, corruption, and mis-fortunes. Everyone of our young people will be taught integrated thinking, they will be our youngest neothinkers…and our brightest stars!! Thank you Mark Hamilton for your integrated thinking and love for all Humanity:)
Much Love and Happiness to All
Teresa Norton
Hi Antonio.
It is “eye-opening” to see how one can apply the information through Mark Hamilton’s multi-generational manuscripts on how to build wealth through their own businesses. Seeing this development gets one to think, and the Twelve Visions Party is the missing integration to seeing this happen in everyone’s life. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Love and Peace my friend!!
Adam Huntley
Dear Antonio,
Yes, I agree that Mark Hamilton is indeed a Prime Value Creator.
He is making this world a better place for everyone to live and thrive and realize their dreams.
His words of wisdom have given me a fresh, new outlook on life. I now follow my heart and do what I love, thanks to him. I am the leader of my life.