Mark Hamilton (MH) has changed my life, for the better, forever. His books and teachings have allowed me to profit more than at any other time in my career despite the recession. Profits continue to rise in 2009 after a great 2008. How many are saying that right now? How many need that right about now? His mini-day organizational method can help many–especially now. Anyone can plug in this method to achieve great things in record time while never skipping important details or being overwhelmed. From there you can create tremendous wealth. Even an empire is within reach for every person if they are willing to get down to work and practice the method. Many people need Hamilton’s work and implementation so desperately. It would be a tragedy of epic proportions to deny any one of his creations.
His visions are carefully integrated, meticulously thought out and fully detailed. His visions share with us a new way of life that we deserve and are ready to experience here on earth. A new beginning of sorts for mankind. Imagine that for one moment. Wouldn’t you want to live like that? The possibility of healthy living much longer that you ever thought possible. Imagine what could be accomplished. It’s mind blowing! The thought of not being able to read this literature and learn about this new way of life would be beyond a catastrophe for all humankind. It is ground shattering work. This material is just too valuable to loose, EVER.
Mark Hamilton comes from a place of total integrity and responsibility, period. Few Practice what they preach, but Mark does. He never makes excuses and slices thru any limitation to get down to the essential tools that will transform life in this country as well as the rest of the world. It all starts with each one of us, the individual. He will ignite the geniuses of the world to create a new framework in The United States of America. That framework will provide a basis for other countries to follow our lead. MH and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) will set a new standard throughout the world by unleashing a new paradigm: self-leadership under Prime Law.
We receive support from each other thru the Neothink Society. The society also operates under full integrity and responsibility just like MH. It provides an accelerated social portal into this new world. It is not some cult or fringe group. The society is a group of self-leaders who wish to gain more knowledge and work with others to create new social connections and potential business contacts. The groups are designed for each person to identify their life purpose and gets the individual moving in that direction using MH tools such as the mini-day, power thinking, and company capture techniques. It allows people to interact with one another to advance all with no selfish agendas or egos. It is a refreshing environment to operate in and share with. The society wishes each person to find their essence so that they can advance quickly in business and succeed. There are no secrets; only hard thinking to find solutions. There is a huge need for this in our world right now. It must be preserved. To take it away is criminal.
His Prime Law vision will take us to new heights in technology, science, arts and engineering. Virtually all fields will benefit rapidly and wonderfully. This will create a new paradigm for human rights. The rights of the individual will become paramount. Outside groups and majorities will no longer hold an advantage over any person. That freedom will uncork the creative minds to create in never before ways. There will be rapidly expanding economic growth and wealth for all. Costs will decrease over time instead of the inflation spiral that we now live in. Government debt will decrease as more people have a new purpose in life and are working their essence(s). New discoveries in science will allow us to live much longer than we currently do. That will keep people working much longer and productively through society creating even more values. The shift would be massive and encompass all areas of our lives–to our benefit. The job creation alone would be staggering. Wouldn’t that be refreshing? Hey, isn’t that just what we need?
Who would ever try to stop this? Whoever did would only be ultimately denying themselves in addition to everyone else? Chances are they were only interested in their benefit at the cost of everyone else. It simply cannot be allowed to happen. If it were to happen, expect a second Dark Ages. You think things have been bad, think again. That is why MH and his work are so valuable. It is a REAL SOLUTION to get us out of this mess we’re in. It is here for everyone to benefit from. Who else has thought it out this well for so long?
Respectfully, Antonio B
Hello Antonio B.,
Very well worded testimony that no-doubt many will identify with. I support the fact that it is a crime to try and stop the MH movement in this world…but look at who is opposing us…this is the work of the dishonest and neo-cheating anticivilization in order to remain in control…that is how they are…they don’t understand the value of our work and they won’t admit that it is a better Society founded on better values…as we continue to support and work with our Society’s movement, the Twelve Visions World will shortly be in authority…
Your Post has inspired me to begin at the beginning again. Í’m going to get started and read for the 7th time the Heirloom Packages from Mark Hamilton and the Neo-Think Society.
Three Cheers for the Civilization of the Univers.
Antonio it’s good to know you and all the other Neothink members. We together can and will create the values of tomorrow. Mark Hamilton’s work and the vision of the TVP are the common denominator of the future.
Dear Antonio,
You are so right! You are so very right my friend. There is no other possible solution than what we have learned from MH. You condensed it as well as I could have ever cared to believe. The Iron Grip Control that is to propel civilization towards biological immortality is difficult to understand and a microcosm in regards to the rewards. The prospect of losing out on biological immortality to me in its infant stages is a not unlike a space adventure. The harshness of losing out on a journey like that taken by MH’s First Immortals is to civilization what Buck Rodgers could be to the computer age. No short cuts should be taken, but any hindrance in the advance of our business minds is not only shallow, it is stagnating genius.
As there is no end to the positive opportunities on your journey as a puzzle builder, there is also always a beginning. Sometimes in your ever changing mini day it is important to reset some puzzle pieces that may have shuffled loose on your journey. Returning to the Basics now and then. Excited for the C of U.
David Chambers
Dearest Antonio, The intergrated values, and overwhelming knowledge we all have gained from Mark Hamilton is in Essence, “A NEW BEGINNING” keep on keeping on! Gary
Antonio, you express yourself beautifully. You have painted with words the true picture of Mark Hamilton’s visions for a world full of value creators. I am excited to be part of the Twelve Visions Party and to be mentored by Mark Hamilton. We are at the beginning of something so wonderful it has me breathless.
Thank you for your wonderful testimonial. All readers will be enriched by it.
New York City
Hello Antonio,
You make a good point about the integrity of Mark H. The values set forth in the prime literature are honest value creations. They will propel anyone forward. There is no way I see that the C of U could be stopped.
Antonio, you have written such a well though-out letter about the tremendous values that Mark Hamilton and Neothink have brought us. We are truly the lucky ones to be able experience this first hand as TVP sweeps the globe.
I am so impressed by your writing that I think you should have your own blog. You touched on so very many Neothink concepts that each could be expanded into separate valuable blog posts.
Antonio, my friend, you have exemplified the very essence of all involved with Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. A better explanation “in a nutshell,” nor a better example of what “we” are all about, could most likely not have been put so efficiently into words! I agree with and stand by all you have expounded on…and am glad to have you at MY side as well!
Many thanks for your profound testimonial – I am sure that those who wish to “harm” us and all that we and Mark Hamilton are striving so hard to achieve…for mankind…will surely second guess their own harsh opinions before they try to denounce what they KNOW is “…the REAL SOLUTION to get us out of this mess we’re in.” It IS here for everyone to benefit from! And, for those who, regretably, may think otherwise…may they be forgiven when they are proved wrong…
Congrats on your own personal successes! Keep up the great work!