I just saw that Mark Hamilton’s address to the New Jersey Twelve Visions Party (TVP) has been loaded at www.twelvevisionsparty.com!
What an exciting day! I can see the future, that as we go out into the world, so few people will understand – but some will be willing to look and learn more – and all we need to do is be there and let them look. As more and more people look, our numbers will grow and grow.
PRIME LAW is the political answer that EVERYONE is looking for. All of the ‘yeah but what about…’s are, as you have pointed out, “a-points” (“You’ve got a point”), but they miss “The-Point”. Finally, FINALLY!! Someone (You, Mark Hamilton) has cut through the confusion to bring clarity to political debate. And it is so easy now! It is so easy to compare ANY PLAN or ANY LEGISLATION to one simple principle “Does this initiate force, threat of force, or fraud?”
“But we’ve got to do something!!!” scream the career politicians who use passing legislation as a road to personal glory.
If it is not governments proper purpose, then government need not do anything about it.
What an incredible freedom it will be when ‘the political problem solvers’ are no longer allowed to use initiatory force, threat of initiatory force, and fraud in their attempts at solving all the worlds problems. It seems so little to ask of politicians, that they find solutions that do not involve initiatory force, threat of initiatory force, or fraud.
So Simple! So clear!
And anyone who opposes it can be shown to be in direct support of violence and fraud.
This foot traveler is going to keep taking one step after another.
Thanks and Love to you, Mark Hamilton!
Hello Yon,
This is the realite of what you declare and many will see
And understand the truth that is the Prim Law without
Force or frude,thanks for the auther Mark Hamilton and
Neothink-Society founder for the twelv vision party,
With pure love,
Yes! Keep it simple and clear. I like this. Russ Creamer
Hello Yon,
With great love the Neothink-Society extend the hand Of hope peace and honsty for all the human race from
The illusions that exist allaround us, Mark Hamilton founder of the twelv vision party as brought the great
Truth to all that will allow even the poor to become Rich. visite http://www.twelvevisionparty.com
Hi Yon,
Love to you for seeing straight through all the rhetoric to the simple solution put forth by the Twelve Visions Party and Prime Law! I too will be going forth one step at a time, talking with one person at a time, and whomever reads these Testimonials, some of which I have also written, as you have.
Mark Hamilton is to be commended for forming the Neothink Society and TVP, and bringing in the missing piece that will bring PEACE to our land and to the world, when our Country’s and World population see the exquisite value it brings to any confusion, corruption, etc. that arises=THE PRIME LAW!
Love, Lila
Hello Yon, Oh! Yea! what an exciting day.
The Prime Law came to brighter our paths to live
with justice freedom and genuine love.
I can say What a Wounderful world we live thanks to Mark Hamilton.
Hi Yon,this is Ralph,
I think the Initiation of Force deserves to be Abolished, and the
Concept, and Prime Law, Established,
to have Justice, and Dignity, to live
the life Americans, were meant to live.
Now is the time, for the Twelve Visions
Party. The Right of Volition belongs to
the Prime Law, and the Concept of Justice
To Yon,
That was very well written. Yes the prime law will be the filter on all laws, and the people will be free in their actions and how they do business. With a neothink mind and an honest heart, we can then return to a representative republic, as we were originally founded.
Free Bill