Mark Hamilton’s Neothink and Twelve Visions Party is exactly what humanity needs. Everyone who reads Mr. Hamilton’s work will realize they are more important and responsible then they ever thought.
The wisdom learned in Neothink and The Twelve Visions Party has depth and power to change any ones life for the better and others to, from their success.
Think of this: If the creators of the Constitution were alive today they would be like Mr. Hamilton.
The creation of the Constitution, (if followed) is still better then the rest. Do we read the Constitution and understand it.
Read and understand Neothink, Twelve Visions Party, and elevate your scope and broaden your view of what is before you, for success, and the journey through life with happy people making it a pleasant world to live in.
With Gratitude, MJ
Hi MJ,
I’m with you when you say to elevate your scope and broaden your view! Mark Hamilton’s writings definitely remove hindrances to you being able to accomplish both tasks to enhance your life by the decisions you are able to make because of the clarity you achieve! Each human life, when it takes responsibility for itself is the highest value in this Universe, and we really need to respect ourselves and each other when we are heading toward being a value creator! I would also like to return our Republic back into its foundations via the Constitution, and the Prime Law will accomplish this.
If one is interested in learning more about the TVP, check it out at Also read Mark’s latest book Wealth, Health, Peace, and can call 1-888-859-6859.
Love, Lila