Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary to say the least. A man of great honesty and integrity. I believe if I could somehow articulate the impact of his teachings on MY life, that it would read like some overstated fairytale. In reality, it would be understated fact. I couldn’t possibly thank him enough.
This man saw something special in me that I had trouble seeing for myself. Thanks to him, I went from seeing no possible way out, to seeing no possible way to fail. He gave me a knowledge that allows me to recognize deceit even if he himself were the perpetuator. Priceless.
Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party is something I believe we should ALL be lining up around the block to support. His belief in the equality and importance of EVERY SINGLE individual means that by default HIS success is EVERYONE’S success. So to is his failure.
I couldn’t envision how my life would be without being exposed to Mark Hamilton and Neothink. Well, actually I could, but why put myself through such misery? My outlook is so much brighter now that I have been. Yours will be too if you place a little faith In this man.
Mr S.D. W
The hardest battle that We have to win is the battle with Ourselves!To be able to look deeply
into the person in the mirror,and accept full
responsibility for ones’ actions is a winnable
Mark Hamilton just simply provides the weapons
needed in this every day conflict!Mark Hamilton’s literature is especially written and designed for each individual to achieve personal greatness!When You love yourself without equivocation Then and only then can You Truly Love everyone Else!
Thanks for sharing Mr. S.D. W! Mark Hamilton and his literature have certainly given me inspiration to live a better life. In all my studies of philosophy nothing has topped Neothink.
Dear Mr.S.D.,
I am glad you found inspiration and energy to re-engineer your life, my friend! I think the outlook on many lives here in the Neothink Society would be quite different if we had not received our Invitation via Mark Hamilton’s writings. To be able to look at ourselves, and our Country and Leaders with fresh eyes has enabled us to be able to see for the first time what has been hidden from us long before. Now with the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law, we can peacefully turn where we are headed now to a beneficial direction to progress through…
Love, Lila Bennett