By Marlene Hudson
Upon completion of being mentored by Mark Hamilton and reading the heirlooms, I now move into the position of mentor. It is a responsibility and an honor that I accept with grace and gratitude. The remainder of my life is completely dedicated to this purpose. We all have an innate desire to do something great in the world. Mentoring within the Neothink Society puts that desire in perspective as I share with others the valuable integrations I have learned.
The culmination to mentor status causes me to take a square look in the face of the first fifty years of my life, with a brief sad look back yet with the fortitude of moving forward into this new direction, stirring the powerful dual emotion of bittersweet. Bitter that I did not learn these truths long ago, realizing how different my life would have been. Sweet with gratitude to learn them now, creating a power shift in my life that will unfold in the upcoming years.
I knew at a very young age my life was purpose driven. However, I was hijacked from my life and continued through a very sad and disappointing existence strangely similar to the experiences of Miss Annabelle. I kept my focus on the importance of what I do for others (especially my children) rather than myself. It was obvious the fate of my life was somehow at the mercy of others (and they were not merciful). I did not understand how or why this was so, much less realizing my actions could make a difference. Even though in my heart I believed I could make a difference I was consistently reminded, nothing can penetrate the Powers that be. I now know otherwise.
I realize everyone pure in heart suffers in the hands of the anti-civilization. Even the places we go for solace, we find our enviers there. I have known an exceptional level of betrayal and deception from those I have trusted and loved and disappointments as well as physical, mental and emotional punishment and suffering. I have always been very confused by this because people would say you get back what you give. Not so in the Anti-world. The Anti-civilization would tell me I must have done something bad to deserve such bad luck or it must be a karmic debt. I knew in my heart all of this was nonsense and untrue but still did not understand the inner workings of all of this, while people who knew me would seem truly puzzled by the unfortunate occurrences in my life. When I read the heirlooms, I found the missing pieces to the puzzle of my life. Empowered with the truth, I cried, laughed, got angry and scanned every experience of my life through this truth and suddenly everything made sense. I was amazed at finding the truth and explanations for what I held inside of me. I knew there had to be others who live in and for the truth and love. Where are they? Why is it they were not in my life? That is all different now.
The searching I have done all of my life brought me to the Neothink Society and the Neothink Society has brought me to the place I desired and needed to be and has taught me to live my life the way it is supposed to be lived. I now will not only do the same for others, but will help create what I was searching for but could not find.
Before I was ten years old my mother was the first to inform me that I was already beginning to die. She explained that from the moment we are born we begin to die. Throughout my life I found evidence that proved against this but the thought of defeat was placed in my mind. Educators enforced this theory, so I quickly learned that by focusing on life, I was not thinking like other people. Well intending family continued to remind me to plan for my death and it seemed the only value of my life was what I would leave to my children, seeming that I am worth more to them dead than alive. Any exhilaration I did have was thwarted with fears of doom and the unknown. It seemed like a battle to fight for my own thoughts and happiness.
Sharing my past experiences is not something I enjoy or do lightly, but I share a few now for emphasis of a point.
Raised without my father and a mother who was burdened by my arrival as another mouth to feed, I endured mistreatment and mental cruelty and lost my mother at the age of nine to a complete nervous breakdown. She never recovered and remained addicted to prescription drugs delivering hatred and violence to me and my brothers and sisters. I raised myself and took it upon myself also at the age of nine to ‘mother’ my youngest brother when I saw him suffering from neglect. My mother continually threatened that she was going to put me in an orphanage. Emotionally I was an orphan. I did not understand why I was born into this family or born at all to a mother who did not want me. “Children were to be seen but not heard”, yet as I listened to the words and observed the actions of adults, all I saw was foolishness. I learned to find peace in my solitude and longed for knowledge and understanding. I have always felt strengthened by the spirit within me and have always been grateful that my mind is healthy.
As a teenager my desire was to be a flight attendant. I love to travel and knew this was what I was going to do. I love meeting new people and learning about other cultures and dread routine and stagnation ruts more than I could ever say. Through my travels I would discover the place I desired to live.
At sixteen years old my mother began to inform me that on my eighteenth birthday, I will begin paying rent or move out. I saw from my older sisters she meant it. I desired to go to college but was told I would have to pay for it and pay her room and board, if I continued to live at home while I attend school. Getting married on the other hand she wholeheartedly supported at the age of seventeen! It got me out of her house ahead of schedule. When I told my mother I was being abused in my marriage, she said, “you made your bed, now lay in it.”
The psychological end game for me was continual sabotage and defeat, not having options or a way to survive. My survival pressures were heightened by my desire to provide for my children and their fathers’ lack of desire to provide deepening the burden of single parent as a sole provider, while enduring countless attacks of criticism and bearing burdens of family and ex spouses expressing horrible things to my children about me as a bad provider! When I read in the heirlooms about the rightness of relationships (man providing) I cried until my eyes hurt.
I feel the sadness of understanding how my life should have been different and the life I have missed out on. Even still, I stayed optimistic and always believed it is never too late for a new beginning.
I have had a deep hunger for truth all of my life. The contrast of my home life and a strict religious upbringing allowed me to see through the insanity and contradictions of doctrine and mysticism. I left the ‘religious beliefs’ of my young years in a search for truth. I studied endlessly, including many other religions. In the words of promise, “Seek and you will find,” my search reached its destination with reading the heirlooms. It has satisfied my mind and answered my questions.
Five years ago a co-worker fully aware of a severe allergy I have placed the allergen on my arm. I was rushed to the ER going into respiratory failure and convulsive shock. The doctor said, “thirty more seconds and we would have lost her!” I suffered permanent health problems from this but lawyers said there was nothing that could be done about it. (no proof of intent to harm!) She told me she thought I lied about my allergy and was laughing when I went into arrest saying that it was, “cool that it happened so fast!” The shock of her enjoyment of my suffering was overshadowed by my struggle to survive.
This past August, I went for a massage ending the massage after only fifteen minutes when the Therapist refused to acknowledge my requests for lighter pressure and that she was causing extreme pain. She injured my spine causing nerve damage putting me in the hospital. I lost function of my right foot and the ability to walk. I am slowly recovering but it is a gradual road. I had to quit teaching but four of my students visit me regularly and I give them lessons here in my home.
Amazingly, somehow I survived and keep surviving the anti-civilization! I have experienced the stagnation and desire to end life. It seemed no matter how much I accomplished, studied, gave and loved, things continually went in favor of wrongfulness. I have missed countless opportunities because of the time consumption and distractions of handling misgivings.
Moving into integration mode with the A-Teams, I was very challenged by my understanding of our relationship and the focus of how we were proceeding when members expressed distaste for the Church of God Man, sensing a split in the consciousness of members. However for me there is no split. As I read the heirlooms, it is my understanding the Church of God Man is our ultimate purpose; eradicating death, both psychological and physical. Shedding false doctrines is the direction of the Church of God-Man. Because this is not a ‘religion’ but teachings of truth we need no structure of doctrine. As we move into integrations of value creation, it makes no sense to deny expression of that part of ourselves that is pure and honest, through the integrations of the social and spiritual expressions of the church. It is a major undertaking and may seem overwhelming at first creating inner confusion but it will happen through daily actions and spreading through the collective actions of others who evolve consciously. In the words of Jesus, ‘Be, ye transformed by the renewing of your minds.” This movement of God-Man will be viewed by religious leaders as the Anti-Christ when in fact they fear the truth, exposure and losing control and will call evolved consciousness and all the goodness it brings to life evil as they did with Jesus. They accused him of being the devil. Today it is no different.
We are creating a new society. The one existing now is confused and backwards. They call good evil and evil good. Their minds are blinded from truth and discernment. We are experiencing the challenges of its integrations. It is ok. It will succeed. People are still waiting for ‘someone else’ to take the lead. I believe in part this is from mental atrophy but I also believe it is fear. Overcoming limitation requires a leap in consciousness and if the mind is diseased with the psychological poisons of anti-programming, this is going to be difficult at best. I too have experienced shedding these viruses on the hard drive of my mind which is one of the criteria enabling me to understand these dilemmas in others until we ultimately eradicate them from consciousness altogether.
It is time to wake up and set ourselves apart, focusing on what we are creating. No one is happy with public schools; we are building a school for geniuses. No one is satisfied with religion; we are delivering the truth, the meaning and purpose of life. No one is tolerant of the villain politicians; we are exposing the true purpose and function of government and offering the Twelve Visions Party. These are the Pillars of Society. This country was built on Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. These were spiritual, moral and psychological obligations to a free enterprise and a wealthy, healthy nation. Instead of becoming value creators, we are mocked by our mental following impotence, taking what little we have, programming us to listen to any one but our own inner guidance, while deluding us into thinking it is all for our good. When did America become an ignorant and impoverished nation? When the Church and State separated?
The Constitution itself declares that if leadership falters in serving the people, supporting individual freedom (paraphrasing) the people may take back the power to establish this nation, which is for the people and by the people to live and prosper with liberty and happiness. So then the Society of Secrets is in fact doing what our leadership has failed to do, creating freedom, wealth, health, happiness and redefining the only role of government with self governing people, which is Protective Services. We call ourselves the Neothink Society and the truth is the secrets are the untold things the government does with our money and our freedom and the injustices that unfold in the name of ‘power’, ‘authorities’ and ‘leadership.’ While people erroneously surmise we have secrets it is just the opposite; we exploit them. What we do have is Honesty, Truth and Self-Guidance. We never should have lost our freedom or been programmed to follow authority. The truth has been hidden. The inflammatory response (flamers) are the ones who do not want to be revealed and/or do not want us to know the truth. Mark Hamilton has changed the course of history by pointing us in the right direction.
Historically, there has always been one, a single leader, such as Moses, Jesus etc., to lead people to freedom or deliver them from bondage. Also, historically that same leader usually ended up murdered or in prison. People know this and it scares them. People are easily controlled and manipulated through fear. The Society of Secrets builds this leadership into numbers and allows many people to rise up, quietly first, overcoming stagnation and limitation. As we continue to form our Society with all the functions of society we will trump the anti-civilization dissolving our reliance on them. This is the critical point for the Neothink Society. We are creating a society as though one did not already exist. It did but it has been ruined through following false doctrines and dishonest leaders.
Two thousand years ago people were not ready to hear the truth. This refusal or inability coupled with the agenda of political and religious leaders has taken its toll on consciousness and the earth. It was easy to silence one enlightened, conscious person with physical death. It will not be so easy with thousands or millions of fully conscious individuals who have quietly erected a completely separate functioning society during a time when leadership has led followers to their doom. “Greater things will you do,” (Jesus)
More and more people are committing suicide and in many cases homicide-murder of entire families. As was prophesied in Miss Annabelle, Florida is becoming a wasteland as being the first and hardest hit in the jobless community with homes foreclosing, cars repossessed by the thousands with thousands of citizens applying for federal aid that is ceasing to exist.
Society needs a savior. That savior is going to be enough individuals working together to create a new society while learning to live without dependency on the government as well as freedom from their dictates, generating our own freedom, creations and happiness creating a prosperity explosion.
Not depending on the government can only happen through the function of the Church, since only the church is exempt from taxation. This is universal law. This is the cornerstone of the Church of God-Man. The teachings of the second heirloom; biological immortality, psychological immortality, honesty, the value of life, the purpose of life, happiness, value creation, overcoming the forces of nature and the life advantages of living honestly and consciously are the foundation of the Church. Overcoming limitations, integrated thinking, freedom, disintegrating psychological death, ending stagnation and self-guidance/free thinking will be the basic teachings of the church as well as the A-Teams.
A double standard is obvious in the Governments recent interest in the functions and teachings of the church, while forbidding the Church any interest or involvement in the functions of government. This separation has been so subtle in its statements yet so bold in its actions! The pursuit of happiness was designed by creation, enforced by government and is inseparable in the true structure of society. This is what the Society of Secrets seeks to correct. It is so basic in its plan yet steps on so many crooked agendas. Our mentoring has prepared us for dealing with these reversed justifications.
The mentoring of the A-Teams and the Church of God-Man, will pave the way for people to begin to accept psychological immortality.
As people begin to accept psychological immortality, they will support and fund biological immortality. This will be the financial focus of the Church as well as Paradise Cities. The A-Teams function through a business integration, disseminating Prime Literature, while the Church will focus on immortality, which is why the church will fund Project Life. Both the Church and the A-Teams will fund and work together to create Paradise Cities.
A-Teams: Prime Literature
Twelve Visions Party: Prime Law
Church of God-Man: Preserving Prime Life (Project Life)
Since the Neothink Society has already set me free psychologically, maybe I will be one of the fortunate few to experience biological immortality. It is my belief we were not created to die. People used to live for 900 years. Psychological death has shortened our lives. It is logical to regain what we once had. If it is logical, the mind can accept it. If the mind can accept it, it can happen.
We are promised the desires of our heart. We have desired death. We now transform our minds, changing the desires of our heart for life and change our actions accordingly.
Mark Hamilton has inscribed the Prime Law, Prime Literature and Universal Consciousness of Prime Life. It is my anticipation to disseminate the new Prime Scripture!
How exciting it would be to see these words on wooden scrolls!
“My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Life has been restored.
Hi Mark, I want to thank you with all my heart for the opportunity
to help better the world. I am so glad the Society found me!!
I am going to ask each of you to dream, dream of a world without poverty and illness. A world in which one’s race didn’t matter, or social economic status. Dream of a world where any individual can soar, free from fear and anxiety and chains that restrict. Can you see such a world?? You sitting right here today can have the life you were meant to live. In a world that is increasingly besieged by violence, here in the Society of Secrets you will find a place were you can feel safe and be yourself. Meet like minded people who understand you.
Is your current career leaving you unfulfilled? Here in the Neothink Society you can discover how to build an exhilarating job of open ended wealth, you might even discover the job of your dreams. Do you long for romance? Is the romance in your life flat and stale? Here in the Neothink Society you will meet exciting and energetic people with diverse backgrounds. You might even discover the love of a lifetime.
Let me tell a little about myself. When the Society found me I was witnessing my life leaving me behind. I was searching for tools, tools to rebuild of my life, emotionally, personally, physically, romantically, financially. In the literature I found such tools. Not only did I help myself but I could also help the world, the life I was meant to live.
I apply the secrets to all aspects of my life. Everyday I can see and feel how secrets are enriching my life in ways I could only hope and dream of before. Within the literature I found a blue-print to use to build and strengthen my life. Through the heirlooms I have gained a sense of awareness, of myself and the world, a more rational view. It is this awareness that helps me to fit and feel whole.
The inroads I have made unto myself have given me a glimpse that I, we, are part of a greater universe. It is this feeling of being apart of something larger than myself that gives me harmony inside of myself.. Each of us can feel this harmony, each of us has within us the ability to become creators. In becoming creators we align ourselves with the universe, we feel the harmony, become, one with it and it within us, we become dynamic. The journey we are on is always to ourselves.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious
triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to
rank among those poor spirits who neither enjoy
much nor suffer much, because they live in the
grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt
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