Hello. My name is Shane Sim, and I would like to take this opportunity to do my best to put into words what Mark Hamilton and Neothink have done for me. I say “do my best” because, quite frankly, I don’t feel that there are enough words to adequately describe the changes occurring in my life over the past 18 months.
My introduction to Neothink has not only shown me the potential I have to live a long, fulfilling life, but has shown me the greatest truth in personal liberation: that it is my responsibility to live the best, most honest, fulfilling life possible. I have had my eyes opened in ways that some people never experience: I have seen that rather than being a victim of circumstance, I was living out the consequences of my own beliefs and choices, and largely working against my own best interests without even being conscious of so doing. Mark Hamilton has absolutely illuminated my view of not only life and the world in general, but more specifically my life. His writings have freed my mind and empowered me with the will to live responsibly and proactively; they have shown me that everything I want is possible, for me and everyone else who chooses to live responsibly and proactively as well.
Neothink is the most powerful and benevolent body of literature, thought, and action the world has seen, and will ever see. The Twelve Visions Party has one goal, and that is to equate the playing field for individuals and families throughout the world, so that everyone can enjoy happiness and prosperity, the birthright of all human beings, and the reward of those who learn to live consciously, responsibly, and honestly. Conscious minds the world over are responding to this message because it is good and decent and honest to its core. Anyone who fights against Neothink should be absolutely distrusted, for either they do not know what Neothink and the TVP are truly about, or if they do know, they then fight that mission in an attempt to wield unearned power over others. Either way, anyone fighting against Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the TVP should be distrusted and discredited. I can say this, because having read the literature and seen the changes that are taking place first in my thinking and then in my actions, Neothink is, again, the most powerful and benevolent body of work. The freedom, happiness, and prosperity achievable through Neothink are available to all, and it is the Twelve Visions Party that will facilitate that availability on a mass scale. The TVP is not to be fought; it is to be joined and supported. And Mark Hamilton is to be thanked, graciously, again and again for all he has done and is doing to spread this vision to the world. Those who fight against him out of ignorance should quiet themselves and become acquainted with Neothink. Those who fight out of envy and jealousy, hoping to maintain dishonest lives of usurpation and false power, will ultimately be silenced.
I could repeat myself a thousand times and still not have said enough in defense and testimony of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. I am grateful for the opportunity to add my voice and support as a small token in exchange for what Neothink has given me.
Shane Sim
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