It was ten months ago when I had just got back from meeting a famous cousin of mine for the first time in Seattle, Washington.He spoke at the University of Seattle on ” Leadership in Times of Crisis,” and there was a reception prior to his speech with many dignitaries present. So, needless to say, I was feeling pretty good about life in general. How could it get any better? Well it did.
As I opened my mail that week after my return home, an envelope with red,white and blue trim stood out among the other typical bills and advertisements. I opened it immediately and was captured by what it had to say. It was at that moment when I was drawn into the enlightened world of Neothink. I was so elated by what Neothink was about that I actually felt like finally, someone else in the world finally got it right. As a matter of fact, there was a whole society, parallel to this society of dishonesty and corruption that we live in, that had a more positive constructive focus to make it a better world.. It actually gave me a feeling of relief that there was this whole secret society that had extrapolated the secrets of life and brought them forward to the present to reprogram our future destiny into a far reaching brighter way of life.
Neothink has changed my destiny in such a way, that a year ago I never new existed. It’s been only six months since I finished reading Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and the entire Neothink readings. Reading them was so exciting that I could barely put them down. It sparked a childhood like excitement inside me, like I couldn’t wait to read what was next, It rekindled a fire like drive of excitement inside my belly like I used to have when I was younger, growing up as a young girl in the Highlands of Vermont, knowing that the big wide world was out there and just waiting for me to fulfill my destiny.
The amazing events that have followed in the last six months include doing more each day than ever before and meeting some very famous people. One thing especially comes to mind; I was part of the Council of Light, we put on a free concert and sent a wave of love around the world. There were 80,000 people in the park for this free Concert which was com-casted to many countries around the world and without a doubt created a wave of inspiration, love and fun to individuals who watched it. As a result and in addition I received a piece of art from a very famous artist personally addressed to me and signed by the artist in the artist own handwiting. If anyone knew who this famous artist is you would understand how priceless of a gift it is.
It’s a walk in the park.Playing in the park makes it a better day and if you don’t like watching the news, which is full of killing, political deception, disasters and darkness, then go out and create some better news. Have you heard the latest, great news? It’s Neothink!
Betsy E.
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