Dear Mark,
I owe a lot to you for introducing me to Neothink. I started my business one year after 9/11 because I was tired of the dishonesty’s that I was surrounded by and I wanted to be surrounded by honesty. I believe in protecting individual rights, not rights for institutions or groups of people. You and your network of people and information was what inspired me to change my life for the better! I knew the economy would make owning a business a tough job, but that is why I went into business in the first place, businesses that are not honest at their core are the problem with our economy. My hope is that businesses like mine will soon replace those dishonest businesses. That is the business side of how irreplaceable you have been to my success, now for the personal side… I was an extremely unhealthy young man when I was introduced to your life changing information. I was diagnosed with crones disease and my only resource was my doctors. You helped me to see my doctors as a resource. I began to do my own research and I found many other resources. I used logic and trial and error to decide what is best for me, my crones disease is in remission and I have completely changed my diet and beat some of my addictions (still working on caffeine and alcohol). Words will never say enough but you should know that I am the person I have always been just better now that I have fully integrated honesty. You are a real life hero and I know that a lot of people envy you and will try to attack you. Keep up the good work!
Vaya con Dios,
Sam Garwood
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