Dear Mark,
Thank you for asking me to share my experience of life changing events. When I reflect on your journey and your specific Friday Night Essence I can share with you that I have similar likes. I also write for pleasure. In fact, after I received my Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership last May 2014, I decided to pursue my doctorate. I have learned that this journey is a long one. I do enjoy my topic of dissertation. This has become my Friday, Saturday, Sunday, etc Night Essence. I am preparing my dissertation for my classes on research.
One of the magical moments as you refer to them was when I was reading through the heirloom manuscripts and I made the connection between Ayn Rand’s work and Neothink. As I understand, and please correct me if I have it wrong, is that Ms. Rand was raised in Russia at a time the government turned very cruel to its citizens.. The religious authorities were not show a caring attitude toward the worshipers. It appears they misused or misrepresented the spiritual principles that a true spiritual worship would follow. As a result, Ms. Rand adopted a negative view and understanding of mysticism as the Russian religious authorities presented it. The true definition of mysticism is the experience of direct communion with ultimate reality. In essence just you experienced when you had your insights to the TVP and you were in an euphoric state. That is what true mysticism is all about. Some authorities even term it as the union with the Absolute. This is not limited to any religious group or philosophy. Any person can experience this phenomena. It may be referred to as an altered state of consciousness. In any event what you bring forward after your visions (altered state of consciousness) is something you had not received prior to that time. Good for you and all those who experience this. I have listened to some of the Teleseminars where the participants recite some of their beautiful poems. They have been inspired. Part of the process could be the mystical where they had their union with the Absolute and they created something of value. All of your writings are on point…just this one area of clarification. This has been part of my realization from my journey. Robert Fritz author of The Path of Least Resistance describes the process of creation. The staff at DMA who you may be familiar with developed Technologies For Creating and have taught the value creation process since the early 1980’s. It is all related and a very wonderful thing. Neothink looks at mysticism the way Ms. Rand understood it in her time. Since she was negatively influenced by the government she did not have the opportunity to be exposed to the more refined practice of mysticism. This is just my sense of it.
Hope to hear from you soon. I feel I can contribute something to Neothink as I have a deep understanding of the true mysticism and the deeper history of comparative religion. It was my hobby to study this for the last 36 years. Some people have referred to me as a biblical scholar. Well, I do like to read about the topic in my spare time.
Barry D.
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