I have always loved being near the water. It gives me peace. Networking at the beaches of the world is truly an exhilarating experience.
I have always loved being near the water. It gives me peace. Networking at the beaches of the world is truly an exhilarating experience.
I enjoyed your video as much as I enjoyed meeting you in Chicago during the 1st summit for the Twelve Visions Party® founded by Mark Hamilton with the Neothink Society®. We know that the Prime law found at http://www.tvpnc.org will allow freedom for each individual and the health care that freed you from paralysis will be available to all.
Individual health care controlled by government does not allow us to seek the kind of care we want. Soon, my friend, that will change, and you can touch even more lives. Freedom for our doctors to practice as they know how will ensure better health care for all. Freedom for individuals to choose whether traditional or western health care is necessary is paramount to happiness for all.
Meet more members of the Neothink Society® on the Love Train to Wealth, Health, Peace for all at http://tiny.cc/tvp1221
Catch my hug Linda,
Jill Reed