I personally don’t Know Mark Hamilton, however, I have read extensively most of his literature, and I have only read wisdom and a deep understanding of humanity in his writings. He is a visionary whose primary focus is the well being of humanity. I wish there were more Mark Hamiltons in the world maybe then planet earth would be a much more peaceful place. I have also learn through Mark Hamilton’s writings that it takes personal responsibility to make the necessary changes in my own personal life which then can be reflected in the world. Sometimes it is easier to find a scapegoat than to face reality. And for those of you who are easily persuaded by the media slogans I will ask you to fist go the source and then make a fair judgment.
Paola A
I personally don’t Know Mark Hamilton, however, I have read extensively most of his literature, and I have only read wisdom and a deep understanding of humanity in his writings. He is a visionary whose primary focus is the well being of humanity. I wish there were more Mark Hamiltons in the world maybe then planet earth would be a much more peaceful place. I have also learn through Mark Hamilton’s writings that it takes personal responsibility to make the necessary changes in my own personal life which then can be reflected in the world. Sometimes it is easier to find a scapegoat than to face reality. And for those of you who are easily persuaded by the media slogans I will ask you to fist go the source and then make a fair judgment.
Paola A
Paola A,
I wonder how this once leadership driven nation changed so radically in a short time span, could it have been the ever-increasing government control in our lives? It is wonderful that we have a self-leader creative genius, whom you wrote about, who is here to help more of us: “… learn through Mark Hamilton’s writings that it takes personal responsibility to make the necessary changes in my own personal life which then can be reflected in the world…” Mark Hamilton, the founder of the Neothink Society® and the Twelve Visions Party® is highly respected because he has shown us to see through the illusions to “What is” real as we one-by-one decide to follow our purposes and create greater value than we require. The Prime Law found at http://www.twelvevisionsworld.com will make all the people rich including the poor. Anyone interested in gaining the self-leader system to improve your life in all areas including love, please call 1-888-859-6859 to order Wealth, Health, Peace. Come check us out at Facebook http://www.facebook.com. Search for Jill Reed and my face so we can chat about how you can join this great Society of Friends willing to cause America to prosper again.
Dear Paola,
I can see you have accepted that 100% Responsibility and will not be looking for any scapegoats. There will be lots of back up for any who want to learn
what is behind illusions, and then assist in transforming society into a positive
thrust in living…Anyone reading this can read Mark Hamilton’s writings in the books and on the web, and can join the Neothink Society.
Love, Lila Bennett
I agree with you also Paola, that if there were more Mark Hamilton’s in the world it would be a better place.
Perhaps there are more people and we just don’t know about them all yet.
Hello, Paola,
You are absolutely right.
People who know nothing about the subject often think they are qualified
as experts, when they are just full of “hot air” and are making a desperate plea for attention.
You are your own best expert. Always find out for yourself , first, and know exactly what it is you are talking about before you open your mouth and make a fool of yourself.
Unfortunately, there are many whose “follow the leader thinking” keeps them fooled, and uninformed.
Paola you are certainly correct about taking 100% responsibility for your own actions which in turn makes us better people! (Self-Leaders)
Wealth, Health, Peace For Everyone!