I would just like to thank you for all the light you have produced to help lead others and eventually the world from the darkness. I know when the media, politicians and religious leaders start pounding away it may be difficult for you, but know this… You have unleashed the light to more of the world than anyone in the history of man. It will not be destroyed, as Honesty is based on existance and existance is infinite.
Now for those out there that go after Mark. You must realize that Mark is not some cult figure. The movement is based around integrated honesty not a messiah. Any harm that comes to him only solidifies the neothink movement, because it verifies everything he has ever written. Mystics destroy.
You see, this is beyond and ideaolgy, this is based on honesty. And honesty is something that escapes the power structure today. They all say we need a messiah, then they argue over who gets to be the messiah this week. All the while looking like fools on the set of some twisted play.
If you destroy Mark, ten more of him will rise and confound you. All the while the light gets brighter and exposes who you really are. So please walk away from the destroyers/mystics and join in the creation/production of an ever increasing quality of life for all on earth.
Thanks into infinity…
Thanks for shedding light on an illuminating person.