Thank you for the storms that you have weathered. Thank you for the ridicule that Mr. Hamilton and Neothink has, and may endure. Neothink literature that be in our hands now, we simply need more of. Thank you for the time and the effort you took to reach me and all others that now stand with you. I predict, that anyone who begins Neothink literature, will want more. I also predict that anyone who completes your Neothink literature, will stand beside you, through any force against you. Together, we will make this world a better place.
With Neothink, the world will be a better place. And together, we will not surrender against those who try to ridicule and cartoon your work and efforts. I will pass this literature down through the years to my children and many others, just as all of those who currently hold your Neothink literature will do.
Neothink, will never leave you. Read it and you shall see. Neothink is truly for you, just the same as it is for me.
Thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton for finding ways that can help us all see that your Neothink literature is truly the same “right of happiness” we each deserve and have so strongly worked for all our lives.
And Mr. Hamilton, thank you for the stress and loss of sleep I know that you have endured. You have helped many with your work. Now the “many”, your readers, will help you. We will stand by your side forever.
Thank you Mark,
Mr. S
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