When I was still young, I thought that the only way to become successful is to get a degree, pass the board examination, get a job in the government, and strive to get a promotion towards a higher position in the same government job. Also, I thought that to become happy all I have to do is get married, have kids, more sex, and enjoy the company of friends in indulging with alcohol and tobacco consumption. In spite of all those things having been achieved by me, I still feel some emptiness within myself. So, I kept searching and asking the question of “what happiness is and how I can achieve it.” My gut feeling tells me that success is just a part of happiness.
I applied for a job in Saudi Arabia as a Power Plant Operator with Saudi Consolidated Electric Company. During my first year, a mild depression strikes and I decided to just finish my two year contract. Fortunately, a friend and a co-worker of mine tried to help me overcome such depression by lending a book he just finished reading titled “University of Success” by Og Mandino. I learned a lot from the book. I learned that our ultimate goal in life is to be happy and that happiness is of two types: human and animal. It teaches us how to develop our Sense of Being, Sense of Meaning, Sense of Belonging, Sense of Growing, and Sense of Giving. Such knowledge helped me to begin to understand who and what I am.
My curiosity drove me to keep searching until that day when I received a letter from the Neothink Society offering some books that can farther my knowledge-base about life, success, wealth, health, and happiness. After reading all the Neothink books I have acquired, a new perspective, new psychology, and new way of thinking sets into my conscious mind regarding life, love, health, wealth, and happiness!
Thanks to Mark Hamilton, my mentor, and the Neothink Society for all the positive changes that happened in my life. The most obvious change that occurred within me is the shift from a criminal-minded to a business-minded self.
Knowing about the existence of my “child of the past” within me, I started digging deeper into my conscious and subconscious minds in order to discover the person I was meant to be and the life I was meant to live! I know now that I am a mind with a body and a spiritual being having human experiences, not the other way around.
My search is now focused on how to activate my mental powers by integrating Neothink knowledge with the knowledge from other books authored by Neil Slade that discusses the triune brain, other brain parts, and its functions specially the AMYGDALA and the FRONTAL LOBES.
May I recommend that all members of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) to go visit Neil Slade’s website at www.neilslade.com and learn how to make use of the triune brain effectively. Neil Slade is a student of T.D.A. Lingo, a brain researcher, Director, and founder of The Dormant Brain Research Laboratory, Colorado.
To your creative power and earned success,
Peter M
Excellent testimonial, Peter M . The way we use our mind to achieve success, happiness in life is very important.
Excellent comment Jill the Twelve Visions Party®. Founded by Mark Hamilton and the Prime Law written by Mark Hamilton certainly is what our child of the past needs to bring Peace to this country!
Wealth, Health, Peace For Everyone
You wrote: “Knowing about the existence of my “child of the past” within me, I started digging deeper into my conscious and subconscious minds in order to discover the person I was meant to be and the life I was meant to live!” When you speak of this I am grateful also for Mark Hamilton founder of the Neothink Society® finding me at a time when I had just lost my business lease in a thriving business. I was more receptive to embark on this journey with wonderful loving friends as we launch the Twelve Visions Party® with a quest for individual freedom for all throughout the world.
The Prime Law found at http://www.tvpnc.org is just what the “Child of the Past” has been searching for. No one can take initiatory force anymore when it is added as an amendment to the Constitution.
Find more of us in the Group “Twelve Visions Party® National” in Facebook. Click here http://tiny.cc/tvp1221 to join a conversation about Educating Geniuses (that Child of the Past).
Here is to Wealth, Health, Peace for all and joy beyond measure.
Jill Reed