Step back and think for a minute, and ask yourself – What am I doing right now? You are reading a testimonial Ofcourse! Why ask yourself such a “seemingly redundant question?” The answer is in the power of value reflection. From your perspective, you are possibly searching for answers to lifes questions. Maybe even looking for a way to change your life, by reading how others lives have been changed.
Here is where it gets interesting, My perspective. You are reading this now because I am alive and well. The reasons that I am alive and well is because of Neothink. Let me tell you my story.
At the begining of 2003, January 1st to be exact, my live took a turn for the worst. I was activated and deployed to Iraq and expected to fight in a war that I did not agree with. On top of all of that, my wife to be was expecting a baby and we were scheduled to be married in late January. I thought from that point on that my life couldn’t get any worse.
Six months later, I got home and was able to join the civilian world again with an honorable discharge, as my military contract had expired. What a releaf. The coolest thing happened the day I got back home though. My son was born.
Just immagine for a second what it would be like to go from a platoon squad leader fighting in a war, to becoming a civilian, to becoming a father, all in a 24 hour period. Needless to say, I had lots of trouble coping with all of the events. And just to put the cherry on top, only one week later, my future wife had confessed to me that as I was gone, she had found love elsewhere. I felt like I was on a one way path to the grave. I truly felt like I wanted to die, but I didn’t have the courage to take my own life. There was always that feeling that there is something else to this life.
Only a month had passed since that bomb shell of was dropped into my lap that I was introduced to Neothink.
Looking back now it almost seems like a dream. Neothink has changed my life to the point of literally being a different person. I did a complete 180. My finances began to even out and fall under my control. My work began to notice a difference in my overall attitude, and subsequently they promoted me just based on my overall outlook. And I finally began doing things that really meant something to me. Most people caught in scimilar situations continue to sink in their own sorrow, and loose themselves in depression. Believe me, I did some of that also, but because of Neothink, this was not my life sentence. I am alive and well because of Neothink.
Now lets jump back to your perspective. You have read my testimonial, and you know my story. So lets ask again, the first question of this testiminial. What are you doing right now? Just sit back where you are and really try to understand the power of what that question means. What are you doing with your life, with your dreams, with your future?
I have experienced the world in two distinctly different ways. The worst of life, in sinking stagnation, and depression. And the best of life with growing excitement and exhileration. The latter of which would not be possible with out Neothink.
To the founders and writers of Neothink, this is a long overdue and very heart felt Thank You.
Allen R.
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