I think Mark Hamilton’s TVP is the answer to bringing this country back to the way the original founding fathers intended it to be. Where we all as Americans should be able to do what the Constitution said: “We have the god given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. His TVP can do this for all of us.
I think Mark Hamilton’s TVP is the answer to bringing this country back to the way the original founding fathers intended it to be. Where we all as Americans should be able to do what the Constitution said: “We have the god given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. His TVP can do this for all of us.
the Twelve Visions Party reaches across all section of society, the non-ruling class of people who are the victims. weather you are rich business person , or just middle class or just poor we are all victims in the same family paying taxes to the ruling class that live of the labor of others. the Twelves Visions party will unite all people to change our conditions, by electing a Twelve Visions Party President who will return government to its proper role of PROTECTION ONLY GOVERNMENT and the Genius of society will take care of our every need.