The twelve visions world has been designed to fit in at the end time, The twelve visions party is not a party per-se, but idea system whose time has come. The visionaries that will take charge are being prepare inside, and when the time is ripe for actions, it would go smooth and peaceful because nature have prepared itself already. Today, some seems not to understand the Neothink world,, yes its true and normal to humans because they have been into captivity for long, the bottom line is, if nature takes charge who will be in a position of argument. I stand on the mountain top and i can see a seeming gloom of prosperity and happiness in a package, its yours, be prepared to receive it.
Owura K D.
The twelve visions world has been designed to fit in at the end time, The twelve visions party is not a party per-se, but idea system whose time has come. The visionaries that will take charge are being prepare inside, and when the time is ripe for actions, it would go smooth and peaceful because nature have prepared itself already. Today, some seems not to understand the Neothink world,, yes its true and normal to humans because they have been into captivity for long, the bottom line is, if nature takes charge who will be in a position of argument. I stand on the mountain top and i can see a seeming gloom of prosperity and happiness in a package, its yours, be prepared to receive it.
Owura K D.
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