I would love to share with “everyone” who wonders and is concerned about what is wrong with our society today? Keep in mind that where ever there is a thought or opinion, there is a critic and the definition of a critic is a person or an organization of people who are negative.
Negative people are either jealous (which means resentfully suspicious of a rival or a rival’s influence), or full of envy (which means people who have or are full of feelings of discontent and ill will, because of anothers advantages, pssessions, etc.; resentful dislike of another who has something that one desires like “advantages or qualities”, which are”exactly” what “I have received from Neothink and its Community of “Self-Leaders”.
This is built through its Neothink phylosophy or Neothink thinking system which is nothing more than integrated honesty. Its only goal is to help “everyone” involved “to become the best that they can be,” and ” help others to do the same”, creating all that is good (happiness, love, joy and last but not least prosperity), which is my purpose and goal in life!
When everyone accepts and lives by the fundamental twelve steps of Neothink, it too will make them see that their purpose and goal in life is the same and from “my perspective, that would be like creating heaven on earth. Personally I believe each one of us was created in the image of god. ” Let us realise it.”
Jerry M.
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