To The Honorable Mark Hamilton, and Neothink World. Acknowledgement to the prolific values that are being established in this sector of our galaxy; using the Science of Neothink, as I comprehend it [failure in anything we ingage in] is not an option for us. We the present members of Neothink World are joyfully, awaighting the the entry of all those whose minds are healthy enough to determine that The Neothink World is the answer to their greatest prayer, and that Health, Wealth, Peace shall be everyone’s ongoing reality, and those whose minds are not, at present, will, hopefully snap out of the self-destructive trance to join those of us who have minds healthy enough to seize the opportunity before the year 2012. Thank You.
To The Honorable Mark Hamilton, and Neothink World. Acknowledgement to the prolific values that are being established in this sector of our galaxy; using the Science of Neothink, as I comprehend it [failure in anything we ingage in] is not an option for us. We the present members of Neothink World are joyfully, awaighting the the entry of all those whose minds are healthy enough to determine that The Neothink World is the answer to their greatest prayer, and that Health, Wealth, Peace shall be everyone’s ongoing reality, and those whose minds are not, at present, will, hopefully snap out of the self-destructive trance to join those of us who have minds healthy enough to seize the opportunity before the year 2012. Thank You.
I love the expression of “Ongoing Appreciation” what a wonderful expression of it. I am so happy already that we are more closer to an anti-civilization ending. And that I am growing into a self-leader of peaceful mind, healthy body, wealthy pocket 😛 world. I am becoming the person I meant to be. With Mark Hamilton’s heirloom you learn what you are worth it.
With Neothink Society
Hello Paola, is it true that there exists no member of The Neothink Society that could live without it? The Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party is the best choice in this world to belong to.
Now that I found Neothink Society and what it stands for, it’s impossible for me to imagine a world withou it. It definetly stands for Health, Wealth, and Peace in this country and eventually in the world. And everyday, just like you I appreciate what Mark Hamilton is doing, what a courageous human being.