At the recent celebration of our Twelve Visions Party obtaining state affiliation in Connecticut I introduced the EGO concept as it relates to the present roadblocks to Human Health. ( eugenics, greed, obstinance ) This concept also relates to the political arena as well.
The eugenics movement (thousands of years old) is tied into the globalist agenda. It is the ultimate insult to humanity. Instituted by the so called genetically superior global elite to force the masses back into an obedient bicameral mind set through the manipulation of our food supply, medical care and various disempowerments. They also seek to limit population overgrowth beyond some arbitrary limit.
The Paradox
This group is ruled by greed and obstinance. Interesting enough, rational confrontation or verbal chastation will not work on this group. But, an organized refusal to do any kind of day to day business with them will have a devastating effect. The reason they seek to rule the world through eugenics and environmentalism is a deep seeded fear of survival. This group knows elimination of the weakest is the factual message of the theory of evolution and not having the ability to create values, it is obvious they are NOT the fittest.
Greed is an easy target. By simply exposing the fact that their motives are ultimately unprofitable in the long haul. Greed is unsustainable, it also shortens human life span as well.
Obstinance is the toughest to deal with . It is the essence of ego. A bright shining example along with demonstratable success will eventually wear them down.
The Ultimate Paradox
At this time, in America, with the ferocious attempt of progressive globalist to take over our country. It is important to note that the present community of mankind will not be ready for open borders or any type of global governance Until we all can embrace integrated honesty and objective reality in our daily lives. ( not that this group cares)
These are the very values Mark Hamilton and the Twelve visions Party will bring to society through the installation of the prime law objective and government of protection only. ONLY then will mankind have the opportunity to become part of a loving, supportive, value creating community of conscious human beings.
At that very moment ,…. guess what happens!…….. We will no longer require any government at all.
I look forward to and will actively do my part toward realization of that day.
With love, Carl T. Johnson Integrated Essences of Connecticut and the Neothink Society.
Carl and Whade,
WoW! You guys have left me little to say, other than again, I echo in my Heart what you think and feel. We all here in this Neothink Society work tirelessly to bring this envisioned World we all have come to feel by being here and being inspired by our fellow Members. Our Hearts are compassionate toward all fellow Human Beings, who still think this world with all its illusions and dishonesty and suppression is all that is possible to live in, and thus see no way out or through! I am so thankful that I know better, because of Mark Hamilton’s Mentorship through his writings and utter regard for each of us, all rolled up into One in the TVP and Prime Law.
Our worldwide Membership are also awakened and aware of the potential for all of this Planet’s peoples, who also are in our same position or worse, and are also preparing for their Country’s future with gladened Hearts and are seeing within themselves, as we are, our Essences coming to life and now “flying” in joy.
Love, Lila
Thank You Carl!
You have helped me assemble a puzzle about how to assure I am getting the best ‘living food’ possible; been learning a great deal of late. Many thanks for helping me funnel my wider focus, dear Sir!
I have to concur, that … “Obstinance is the toughest to deal with. It is the essence of ego. A bright shining example along with demonstrable success will eventually wear them down.”
We all know how it feels to be unable to act ‘in the moment’ against our own ‘willful ignorance.’ Though I remember once being ‘thick as thieves’ with several friends, family, & people, through the years I have come to find certain ‘growth-death’ relationships at times tenable to my sanity as a conscious being.
We each are 3VOLving self-leaders at heart, even though we harm ourselves by having such a strong vestige of survivalist-ego in order to preserve independence at times. Yet I know that if ego were such a good survival tool, I’d still be one heck of a lot more boyish to look at. So alas, that vestige is but a mere primitive form of self-preservation masked under mysticism, first planted during a time of fear most usually; and yes, a shining successful example may melt the hardest heart. In Mark Hamilton, we certainly have that.
I am so thankful that this de-politicizing NeoThinker’s Twelve Visions Party movement [the only one, & the last of its kind ever to be needed] is to win Earth’s unstoppable Universal chosen path to eternal Wealth, Health, & Peace. I say this, because I know that this is the only means by which destroyers will get an opportunity to gain redemption too, if at all honestly possible, & beyond, to further overcome their fears & erroneous ill-perceptions about themselves.
By uniquely being honesty, objectivity, & protection-only Law based, NeoThink presents the only means of obtaining the Universal yet exclusive permanently acceptable divine end we desire. We will arrive at the honest fun & profit growth state we wish for our beloved children, (existing within the self-leader’s life-loving Civilization of the Universe,) only when we get there by means of the same fun & profit by which we obtain it. No other means can thus result in the grandest outcome of all save life-loving & life-preserving NeoThink; this appears axiomatic, just as there is no shortcut to being good, or as East cannot become West.
The divine nature even in obstinates would likely never otherwise be discerned, but thru the power of NeoThink ~ upon arrival in the loving C of U. I think only NeoThink love’s Discipline, Thought, Control can conversely form the desired diamond. There is simply no other means to arrive at the end by which we can achieve the pinnacle that NeoThink has described regarding the loving C of U realm.
The unstoppable stream of NeoThink ‘love-of-life obstinacy’ always cuts the hardest rock of ego-growth-death obstinacy. Then, Carl, when love through Law rules, just as you state: …”At that very moment ,…. guess what happens!…….. We will no longer require any government at all.”
Eterna; thanks to Mark, & to you again, Carl, for your intensely stimulating commentary.
Love-of-Life, Whade T.