Thank you Mark Hamilton for starting the Twelve Visions Party. I am so glad to be a part of something so life changing and wonderful.
This country needs a new political party that is For the people and By the people more than ever! The TVP is finally the cure to the corruption and abuse coming from Washington. Finally We, the people have a voice to represent us.
Thank you Mark Hamilton and TVP!
Jeff Smith
Yes Jeff Mark Hamilton and The Twevle Visions Party is clearly the only way to change this corupt Government system of ours into a civilization of Wealth,Health,Peace for everyone.Once again thank you Mark Hamilton.
You are right Jeff,
The shift to an honestly run business type government is badly needed.
The two parties representing us have not shown good judgement or responsibility in managing our tax money.
They have put all of us in debt, and yet continue to borrow more and spend more than they make.
Can a Government declare bankruptcy?
If they were a business they would be “out of business” by now!
Only the sane and responsible Platform of the Twelve Visions Party, will be able to bring this country to solvency again. Mark Hamilton’s Visions clearly show the consequences of Wealth, Health and Protection for all with the TVP.