Hello my name is Evelyn M M, I a writing to let the whole world know that I have found something that we all should be involved in.
Its called Neo-think. I have learned so much about all that is going on around me. Mark Hamilton is a man I respect and that voted for president. Yes
I had to write him in, but as you can see as time has gone by with our new president, I am convinced Mr. Hamilton would have been a better choice. He has such a love for the people and really does care about you and me. I have found in reading his material that without Neothink and Jesus, we will always live the way we are now and
the government will rule you. You don’t anyone to rule you. I am grateful that I have read and know the truth. I searched for the truth for such along time and was
about to believe that all was for nothing. Until I read Neothink and learned from Mark Hamilton, I now know that this is not what life is suppose to be. We made
perfectly and were never suppose to live the way people have for centuries. All mankind were made to be treated with love and compassion. Do you see this in the world we
live in. Well I don’t and haven’t ever. I hope you will read with compassion and listen so we can have the lives we were suppose to live. Thank you Evelyn M
And as more and more people discover the pure beauty rising from the Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton they too will abandon the broken political system in droves. Neothink is an idea whose time has come. Neothink time is NOW!
Ignorance is power given to others. Knowledge is bliss.
Hello Evelyn,
Mark has certainly put together in his literature a road map to our prosperity for all who desire to be empowered by honesty and integrated knowledge. The love and happiness grows in my heart each time I realize that others understand. And everyone is invited and fully capable of receiving this better way of life.
Hello Evelyn,
I too would have loved to see Mark Hamilton as our President; for the same reasons you stated, as well as many others. Just think where we would be today had he done so! However, I do not believe that is his intention…to be in that particular role of leadership. Rather, he is intent on teaching and guiding US to be our OWN leaders! It is in this that I see him as being the honestly productive, unselfish and truthfully respectful individual he is…by “showing the way” through honest integrations how things can and should be, and then standing aside to let other’s who have learned those honest integrations handle the high positions in our lands…
You are correct, and I fully agree with you, that we have found something we ALL should be involved in. Neothink is a profoundly positive and powerful tool! It’s presence in anyone’s life can provide literal “miracles” of self, and virtual life-achievements and personal advancements that are incredibly unbelievable! And thanks to Mark Hamilton and those in the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party has been created – and is running “full steam ahead!” I have no doubt that we will have a trustworthy candidate to vote for in the 2012 elections! He or she will not be there to rule over us, but rather “be there” FOR us…and be fully integrated and prepared to truly “lead” our country back to its roots…back to the original intentions of our forefathers. And then, with the implementation of the Prime Law, we will begin the true and rightful “recovery” that is so desperately needed for our country – and we will also finally have the freedoms of life…with, as you stated, the “love and compassion” which mankind is rightfully entitled to.
I also hope, as you do, Evelyn, that those unknowing of Neothink will take the time, with an open mind, to explore the wondrous opportunities available to them within the Society; as well as the Twelve Visions Party Platform, which IS the solution to our nation’s problems…and the way to our each having the wealth, health and peace that is rightfully ours to have…
Keep letting the world know – everyone will be glad you did!
I thought about how you would support Mark Hamilton, founder of the Neothink Society® for president and wanted to say I second that! Of course it would be on the Twelve Visions Party® Ticket and we can all accompany him by running in our own states to teach our constituents the Mini Day system. Wealth, Health, Peace is now available at 1-888-859-6859 and can be shared with friends and family. Be sure to get a copy it supports our ultimate goal. Come find friends in Facebook, by visiting http://tiny.cc/tvp0101 pick me as your friend. Also there are lots of other like-minded people at http://www.twelvevisionsworld.com
Happy Wealth, Health, Peace New Year Evelyn,
Jill Reed
Dear Evelyn,
I agree that with Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society, Prime Law, & Twelve Visions Party, we need never allow anyone to “RULE” us, expecially without our permission. It is good to throw off our ignorance and proclaim Justice for our Nation…We WILL live our lives as meant to, and in a beautiful beneficial environment!!!
Love, Lila Bennett
You are both right on track. It takes the free and the brave to stand up and make things right.
Many have forgotten what this country stands for, and no longer have allegiance for the principles upon which it was founded.
Mark Hamilton, a true American visionary has made us all aware of what we must stand for.
The Twelve Visions Party Platform will give Americans back the America our forefathers worked so hard to build. A Land of Protection, Wealth and Freedom for all. They’ve got my vote!
Evelyn M.
You wrote, “I hope you will read with compassion and listen so we can have the lives we were suppose to live.” I believe if each person reading this would open their heart this world could be a better place, one of Wealth, Health, Peace and experience life without force, the way we are designed to live.
The Prime Law will offer that to each individual, so that we witness a political party, Twelve Visions Party, make this the land of the free and the brave. Stand beside her and guide her and check into the solid platform set out by Mark Hamilton at http://www.twelvevisionsworld.com