With more than 37 Governors and 37 U.S. Senators open for you, the Electra, to choose from on this Nov. 2 election, “We The People” need to get out and vote, as never before, otherwise, the election will have resounding consequences for the next two years of governing. Exercise your right as a U.S. Citizen by voting for the politicians with the most potential to have the best direct impact on your finances and the economic future of the United States. This can have a large impact on the economic health and well-being of the individual states and the party that will be in power in the White House.
Budget and Policy Priorities are at stake and this is reason enough for “We The People” to get out and vote during this mid-term election. By doing so, we are in a position to be setting up the coming of the grassroots (TVP) TWELVE VISIONS PARTY and The PRIME LAW. The Protection only government backed by the PRIME LAW guarantees the conditions for America to become the wealthiest, healthiest, and safest country in the history of the World. The PRIME LAW is the fundamental, natural law of protection-only government.
If we want to live, for the first time, in a universally wealthy, healthy, happy, peaceful, safe, and truly free society then, the PRIME LAW OF PROTECTION must ultimately become the political point of origin “the decision maker”, not man. During this mid-term election, we must set up the foundation for the (TVP) TWELVE VISIONS PARTY and the PRIME LAW to emerge as the grassroots party and platform for the upcoming 2012 Election and beyond. We are united on our platform and what we stand for to help ALL CITIZENS to take back their own power and govern themselves far better than any political body will ever be able to do.
The PRIME LAW is UNIVERSAL LAW. It has existed for as long as consciousness itself has existed. It is the way of complete free-market capitalism where people, entrepreneurs, businesses, on their own accordance, freely interact with one another as sovereign individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses in their endeavors to bring about a Great Technological Revolution, similar to the uninhabited computer revolution, which will cause our buying power to multiply a hundred-fold as value creators. The PRIME LAW, in a completely free market society, can be enlisted to create that free society where business-like interactions between people are based only on value exchange.
No words can express my feelings for this great man, Mr. Mark Hamilton, and his PRIME LAW LEGISLATION, which he offers to “We The People” of the United States.
Myles Conefrey; Apprentice/Mentor; Neo-Think Society
Mr. Mark Hamilton’s devotion and his lifetime of knowledge, as reflected in his masterpiece manuscripts, will allow the people of the world to achieve financial prosperity, romantic love, and abiding happiness, these are the advantages of tomorrow’s Twelve Visions World.