I find it interesting, when I look back over my life to date and see the impact of outside forces that were so prevalent to me and that I actually stopped developing myself because I started to listen and believe in the tales of others. By giving up of myself and my inner being, I lost my true person, I lost “me”. A very precious gift. If it was an expensive watch or ring, I would have been frantic searching and searching to find what I lost. However, when it came to me, I just let it be and let others tell me what was right and where I was wrong. And I listened!!
However, there was one saving fact, I knew in my gut there was something amiss, off, something I was not seeing and needed to figure out. As a child I loved life, I sang, told stories, read, was constantly happy and go-lucky, yes, you can be go- lucky. I loved life and its wonders. I was asking questions and exploring, wanting to be around people, mixing it up as they say. I loved life as a young child
However, I entered school and things changed, I had to be disciplined for talking, asking questions, not focusing, not following the “rules”, I seemed to have a creative mode that needed to be fenced in a bit, I wasn’t following the “norm” process. So I had to change (family and society pressures) and became a “good boy, following the church’s teachings, what the teachers expected of me, what I family wanted of me, “Of me” but not “for me”. BUT: I knew deep down, there was something better and someday, I would find it, I needed to hold on and never give up. Never, Never, Give Up.
The searcher in me kept nagging me to explore and better myself, self-improvement tapes, achievement programs, motivational programs, spiritual retreats, while at the same time following society’s procedures. I was just ok with the results, I settled, but I was still off balanced. That euphoria I felt as a young child was just not there even with all of these programs and exercises to better myself. Finally, I did settle but I always kept my eye open for that glimmer of light, deep down I knew I would find it and I needed to keep alert, therefore, I never gave up, even though I temporarily settled.
November ‘06 the light shown itself to me in a letter, not the normal junk mail concept, but very professional, quality, non-flashy, envelope personally addressed to me. The letter inside indicated it was a personal message to me. The words were meant for me only. It talked about uncovering powerful secrets and comparing me to important people.
It emphasized that my qualities were along their guidelines and I too have what it takes. I had the traits the organization was looking for. There was a story of a man’s struggle and his growth. The story told how the man discovered the secret ingredients to important money, power and romantic love.
I couldn’t stop reading, I read the letter once, twice and actually a third time, you see the letter was energizing me. The words, the journey, the results, I was getting hooked and didn’t have a clue what I was getting hooked into.
However, I knew I had to continue my search, and this letter of invitation to me was the opportunity I needed to follow-up on. No questions asked, just go and sign up. There was urgency about signing up, a window of opportunity, and I followed the process exactly.
I received my first Neothink multigenerational package on Dec. 22nd 2006 and have not looked back. While un-wrapping my first multigenerational Book I felt the child within stirring and eagerly sat down to begin a journey of no other.
Since last December I have read all 3 multigenerational Books, been involved with the Essence Meetings, actively partake of the website as well as take an active role with the A-Teams. I am absorbing as much information and gusto as possible. Neothink is the road map to life, not existence and I am grabbing all the living I can by following the Neothink process.
You will hear people say this is a cult, well I say “Baloney”. Neothink is a group of men and women who know life can be better and are only looking/ searching for the tools to incorporate into our lives to live, live, live, not exist.
One of my biggest excitements is working on understanding and developing my brain power, Neothink is giving me the tools to understand the working of my brain and how to tap into more of its potential. This is big for me and I am having the greatest exploration time. And this is just one item I am exploring through Neothink. I could go on all day re: the wealth of knowledge I am obtaining.
I have to say, the friends and comrades that I am meeting since joining Neothink are the most caring, life loving, and energized group of individuals I have been associated with in my lifetime.
We have a common denominator of searchers looking for better and we help each other grow and move forward.
The tools and materials covered in the multigenerational Books, the Monthly Essence Meetings, the website interaction, A-team support, enlightenment etc. etc. etc. are all precious gifts and is allowing me the opportunity to get through all of the sludge I have acquired over many years of listening to others and resigning myself to what is and no more.
I now understand self-responsibility.
Well, with Neothink, there is no more saying: Is this all there is? Oh well!! And therefore exist till I die.
Instead, the question is:
What is life’s next item to explore is? Using the tools I am learning, I get the fullest momentum out of the experience or task, no matter how difficult… I have gusto, energy, inquisitiveness, zest for living and life. Yes, I have found my precious, gift….. The true ME!!! Living the life I should be living.
I can only see multiple benefits to mankind through the workings of the Neothink Society.
I personally want to say: Thank you Neothink for reaching out to this Searcher.
Oh! By the Way, that young child, he is back and yes, world; I am truly happy-go lucky living life.
-Steve F.
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