I have learned to open my eyes to what is.
To see the truth’s to every situation, around me, seeing past daily illusions that sarcomas most people.
See there are those who can see who will become blind and there are those who are blind that will be able to see.
It is all about waking up that Inner Child that remains in all of us to become something great, & not to succumb to the Social Conditioned Society around us.
People have become blind settling for average, go to work get paid, they are on a treadmill. Same thing over & over again with no change, they are not using there inner talent to Create.
The Human Mind is like a Computer, you ask the question, it will go looking for the answer. It is like hitting the search button.
The key here is to use the Neothink Mind to think like a Jig Saw Puzzle. You see the Picture of how Your Life should look, now take the action steps to fit together those pieces to formulate the Big Picture.
Once you learn that you are on your to Greatness.
That was well said. Things are going to be very good.