How many remarkable things can happen in one 24 hour period?!?! Can life really continue being this continuous wave after wave of wonderful feelings, exciting adventures, new discoveries, riveting revelations, and euphoric value creation? I don’t know either, but thanks to Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society Founder, and author of the Multigenerational Manuscripts I’ve got the courage to try to find out!
I hope you find it too!
Yes, Yon life can be all you are experiencing. It is breathtakingly exciting to know we are on a journey like no journey before. We are bring self leadership into a new world. We will no longer feel fear or threatened because everyone will be living extraordinary lives and not need to use initiatory force against one another.
New York City
You are proof that stimulation in life creates happiness, greater love than ever and pride. Like the little child learning to walk after realizing it is no longer necessary to mimic the adults to have great things in life, because, the child has found conscious use of the mind brings great things to life!
As more and more individuals are blessed by the teachings of Mark Hamilton and the wonderful people, like you, in the Neothink Society®, we will see more people use their conscious minds to vote for the Twelve Visions Party® to return those gifts to life.
Analysis and skepticism of the ruling elite will lead them to discovery that they have been left in the streets. The role of all individuals is to finally take a stand for the life they are meant to live by simply casting a vote. Learn more by visiting and accept the Prime Law like you did the Pledge of Allegiance as a Child. This time it is for you the unique individual who no longer has to accept the discouraging evidence that you are just a number in a database.
Yon, you are real, you are loved, and I am proud of you and the happiness you share with others as you are a good role model in every group that I participate with you in.
Anyone reading this should grab a copy of “Wealth, Health, Peace” before it is gone, by calling 1-888-859-6859… it is guaranteed to change your life for the best as you become the person you are meant to be, too!
Hugs to you Yon!
Jill A Reed
Dear Yon,
All I know is that it just keeps getting better. From what I have learned from Mark Hamilton’s writings, I have accelerated my Neothink Power, and ability to comprehend way past anything I expected, except at peak periods in my life. Now, I am so much MORE! and I keep becoming more and MORE…This Neothink Society is really something!
I would encourage anyone to become a member and read MH’s writings. No one would ever regret it!
Love, Lila Bennett
Yon, I am still reading these manuscripts. There is so much to learn and use here that it takes several sessions a day! So I have slowed down to two sessions so that I can practice what I have learned.
The suggestions are right on the money! The self dicipline is needed in the world today.
I am glad these manuscripts have come into my life.
Yon…what you say is true. Mark Hamilton and his writings have indeed given me more courage. His writings have turned out to become the story! The story of all time! It is unfolding at this very moment. A story that is coming true because of me and you and so many others who have had enough of the deception. We are getting involved and making a difference by becoming pro-active. Those of you that may be reading this now, please visit There you will have the opportunity to become part of the stroy of all time.