When I received my letter from Neothink over 2 years ago, I believe
it was at the end of 1994. The letters struck familiarity in me, like they knew somehow, mysteriously, what my life had become. I don’t like to think back on exactly where I was personally at ,back then, as it was quite painful.
I responded to the letters, through some small glimpse of hope, that some-
thing could actually exist that didn’t end in deception and lies.
I was a great kid, I did everything I was supposed to. I minded and respected my parents, with the exception of a few troubled teenage years, but otherwise I was the child, of my family, that no one worried about. I made good grades and exceled to the top at anything I endeavored; scholastic, music, sports, and popularity. Went to college and for the first time in my life, my eyes started seeing things wrong in this world. People were not nice to each other,
unless they could get something from you or they gained something from
another. People would gossip and make someone look bad, for entertainment or just to make themselves look better. Professors were either bored or on a power trip, (there were exceptions, actual valuable professors, but not many). College kids playing mind games to exploit someone in sexual behaviors.
(Destroying someone’s valuable character, gave them some wharped sense of power) Friends, roommates took no notice, I started pulling away, not understanding why these things bothered me and no one else noticed. I slowly moved from popularity and moved into seclusion, believing it was just me.
My pattern continued in my career, I excelled in my department and was
a valuable assett to my company. Then bit by bit, my ideas were implemented yet someone else was receiving credit for them, the sales I created were giving credit to my manager and I didnt receive recognition for my accomplishments: again, my coworkers didn’t notice, and if they did, they just replied “thats corporate America”.
So, I thought it was just me and I should be more grateful for just having a job and a paycheck. Many of my co-workers either drank a lot, took drugs or were on and eventually became addicted to perscription drugs. (Enter, NT’s White-Collar Hoax, which helped me now understand)
I was a loving caring wife and parent, and
put my family as top priority. I attended church and was actively involved, kept up with politics and faithfully voted at every election, also, I was a good citizen of my community. I wanted to be happy and religion taught me, self-sacrifice was the answer to finding peace with the world.
(The Lies of Suppression of both Government and Organized Religion)
Self-Sacrifice came back and bit me in the core of my being. It was not
the answer, it only left me vulnerable. Overloaded with all things of
responsibility weighing on my shoulders while others walked away
carefree or reaped the benefits of my deligence all the while
deceiving me behind my back. It was a very hard year,
the year my eyes opened and finally saw the reality I had refused to
believe actually existed.( I have learned through NT these behaviors are part of the Anti-Civilization or,another word, Anti-Social behavior.)
Patterns started forming, deceit, lies, stealing of my ideas, belittling
my hard earned efforts and steadfastness to provide for my family and
whittling away at my self-esteem and anything about me that allowed me to hold my head up as a good person, trying to do the right things.
I always saw the good in people and believed, that all they needed was someone to believe in them. To show people respect and they would return the respect. People , family members, co-workers, bosses, longtime friends and even my children at times (sharing NT with my children has cured all past hurts) one by one, People, let me down. I did not understand this world I lived in, and many times grew depressed.
Thanks to NT, I now know what people are thinking (like reading their minds), I now know because I understand the way this current world works. No one can have control over my self-value/self-worth anymore. And for that one thing alone, I am eternally grateful. There are multitudes of other aspects in The Fully Integrated Honesty of NT that have enriched my life, but that was, for me, life-saving.
I have had 9 wonderful months of connecting to truly honest, real
people on the website and at my local Clubhouse meetings.
During those 9 months, I have gone through an incredible amount of
growth. I have come to know and recognize why people treat others
mean. Its called PROJECTION. They project onto others where they
are insecure within themselves. (everyone has been hurt somewhere, somehow)
People all over the world feel the stagnation the dead-end, ready- to-
die syndrome many have accepted as “just life”.
People who are different (or rather, who provide value)are easy targets for
someone with aggressive insecurities to attack and usurp value from. And worse targets to be used, exploited and deceived. ( Part of this growing process, in NT, is learning how to protect ourselves – and awareness there ARE those who do not want you to succeed.).
There were times when I wanted to stop and wanted to turn back, go
back to being unaware, simple, unknowing, I could join my friends , happy in their innocent bliss and drowning any ambitions in happy hour.
But I couldn’t. See, once you know the truth, and the illusions fall away,
there is this kind of Freedom, the absolute freedom, of what next to do with Your Life. We have complete Self-Authority of our own lives and NT gives us the keys to be successful.
The keys:
Self-Capture Discovery
Company Capture Discovery
World Capture Discovery
HONESTY, TRUTH AND ALL VALUES (personal and collectively)
Holly L.
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