There has always been a sense of incompleteness, of something intriguing and exciting somewhere coming my way but my life has been quite mundane so I just ignored whatever it was I felt, shrug my shoulders and secretly hoped that one day I will understand.
I ignored but was intrigued with the first two letters I received from Mark Hamilton. I read and re-read it many, many times. In the deep recesses of my mind and heart, I hoped that a third letter would arrive so I could answer and maybe find answers to this lifelong questions that have been plaguing me. And I did receive a third letter from Mark Hamilton. I sent for the book, met neothinkers and finally GIN that gave me some idea of what those answers I have so long sought were. Not all but it sure makes my life so much more exciting and rich.
Nearly everyone has that ‘void’ within them. And they do anything and everything to fill the void. Movies, books, drugs, sports, etc. Mark Hamilton has shown me how to fill that void inside the Neothink® Package of Inside Secrets. Creation! Creation is the secret to true happiness. Our world will change into something so much better than the broken system we have now with the Twelve Visions Party.
Never ignore your feelings. Your emotions tell you if you are on the right track or not. If you are feeling happy you are on the right track. If you are feeling sad or depressed you are not and you need to correct that.
You become what you think about most of the time. Whenever you find yourself feeling sad or doubting yourself you need to immediately do an activity that makes you happier. Go for a walk, listen to your favorite music, sing, dance, read or whatever.
As you continue to do that technique, you will find your negative ball of energy getting smaller and you positive ball of energy getting bigger.
My advice to you would be to listen to the CD Set “Your Wish is Your Command”. You can purchase the set at I have listened to the set two times and soon I will be listening to it again for the third time and again and again and again.
Hi Jeanette,
From what you say, you sound like you were afraid this new life would not be possible for you. I bet you do not feel like that now, do you? You will find more answers as you go along. I’m continuing reading Mark Hamilton’s writings, and am getting more answers, as well as new solutions to current situations. Just relax, and enjoy the ride=It’s awesome.
Love, Lila Bennett