I’m just another Joe average American, I was born here, I have raised my family here, I have worked here, and just like you I have been a part of and have enjoyed the great times our economy has had, however over the last four years, I have also felt and been a part of the great rescission our economy has gone through, just like many of you, my net worth has been reduced to almost nothing, I have been in danger of losing my house and everything I have worked for, I have felt the great financial bust of the banks and mortgage institutions, you see I am a real estate agent, my income has been reduced to nothing, in fact my income has vanished over the past four years, I say all of this to you, so you know where I’m coming from. As I look at what is happening in our great country I am very troubled, the people who we have put into office to represent us, to be our voice, continue to prosper financially, while we continue to sink financially, is it just me or is the American dream becoming a thing of the past? Our government leaders continue to increase our taxes, regulate and control our every move, in the name of “protection” and “concern” for us, yet our schools, our police departments, our fire departments are continually being downsized, our jobs, our income, and our freedoms are continually being taken away, poverty level is on the climb, local crime is on the climb, our neighborhoods are no longer safe, crime takes place literally in our own back yards, our ability to live the American dream is speedily vanishing from our eyes. As I watch TV I see all the political advertisements and movements going on, I hear the promises being made, – Republicans, Democrats, Independent, libertarian, and now the “Tea Party” it’s quite confusing, yet they all seem to have the same agenda, build government at the cost of the American citizen, do they really have our interest at heart? So who do you listen to, I for one listen to my inner self, you know the one that gives you that good feeling, the one that creates the Goosebumps when you hear something that rings true, the one, that when you follow that inner voice, things just seem to work out the right way. I’m here to tell you there is a new party that is just getting under way it’s called the “Twelve Vision Party” or TVP for short, there agenda its simple –“The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily”, “The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose”, Now I don/t know about you but that inner voice in me says yes, so the real question is how will they do that, again its simple when our fore fathers developed the constitution they had those very thoughts in mind, Provide the conditions that let individuals live happily, so what happened? Over the last 200 years so many rules and regulations were put on top of that simple constitution, that “we the people” have been bound and regulated to the point that we cannot achieve that desire and goal, the desire to “live happily”, it all starts with deregulation, let me give you an example, were you here in the 1980’s? Remember the dawning of the computer age, there was no regulation on the computer; with no regulation technology changed rapidly, in fact it was changing so rapidly, that computers out dated themselves every 6 months if not sooner, so where are we today with the computer, the cell phone, electronics? Can you live without yours? Just think about that for a while, give the control back to “we the People”, de regulate big government. If the bonds of control were broken, would you be able to lead a fuller more meaningful life? Would you be able to do something important and valuable with your life? I don’t know about you, but that inner voice in me says yes, when the bonds of big government are released, You can live a stimulating and exhilarating life, you can have a lifelong journey filled with honor and glory, meaning and importance, while always helping others, through value creation, not value regulation, I say to you my fellow Americans the TVP and Mark Hamilton feel and sound right, and if you want to put a little religion in there, Christ said, “By their fruits ye shall know them” So who do you listen to? Take a good hard look at their fruits, are they just saying the same old things, the same old political promises we have heard over and over again for the past 50 years? The same empty promises filled with slightly different words? Ask yourself these questions “are you ready to stand up for real freedom”? Are you ready to start doing what you were meant to do and be? If your answer is yes, then it’s time to listen to yourself. The TVP is the real deal, Mark Hamilton, is the real deal, I don’t just know it, I feel it. Do you?
Craig Booth
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