My ship has come in! I have enjoyed being a self-leader most of my life. I was known as “the little butterfly” because I would leave home to visit with the neighbors from the time I was very young. One time, I was left behind, from a Sunday picnic on the mountain, because I was out sharing life with friends. I thought nothing unusual of mowing yards, scooping poop or dusting their houses, as, I loved helping another find solutions to problems.
The Neothink Society® founded by Mark Hamilton has provided me the opportunity to funnel my love for people into clubhouse events and formation of the Twelve Visions Party® which is not politics as usual. The Twelve Visions Party® sees no difference between genders and races, as, we are all precious conscious human life that came into existence and learned to roll-over and then run! Then, we got run into the ground through systems.
Many won’t be sure of this new party, because we are programmed into believing that we can’t have more, and, that we shouldn’t have hope for the future. We are used to believing that the old go broke, and, families and government rescue them. We believe it is natural to argue religion and politics, and we even accept families split-apart over them. Why have we allowed political leaders to roll-over us?
Today, rulers start dictating how our children live from grade school on. Our Country feels the affects of this negative impact on creation and creativity.
Please do not be shy about checking-out this party. It is a Party that cares for all, and, has solid plans to raise the standard-of-living for all citizens. What do you have to lose by making a change?
You have feared the future long enough. Isn’t it time to look to self-love and the future like our self-leading Forefathers did when they settled here?
What kind of an example do we set for the youth when we no longer know how to dock the boat? Mark Hamilton is a man with vision, an honest businessman, and family man. You stand to gain much by switching parties to see the shore. The time is now my friends.
Quit fearing, live life, and plan for our children’s futures. Like the train system that was built by James J. Hill who cared so much for this country, this man has a platform waiting for your approval at Set sail for the shore, your ship is coming in, and all you have to do is cast your vote.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for restoring my hope. Come join me at Twelve Visions Party National Group in facebook.
J. Reed
Jill and Liz, two beautiful ladies with a dream
They walk on water and dock thier boat
way outside mainstream.
And for thier effort the world will gain
a new way of life forever
no more riding the gravy train political heads will sever.
Melvin 81
Hi Jill…I’ll be docking beside you to vote! Seems like we the people haven’t been able to dock our boats ’cause the politicians only gave us one oar to row with and made sure that they themselves were an International Nautical Mile ahead of us in their long boats – LOL. We couldn’t cut through their foggy bull or seaweed mire either. One sea monster after another has held office, devoured all the smaller fish, and left slime in his wake.
It has been a long time since I’ve voted – but I am very moved to vote for anyone who would be running under the Twelve Visions Party. With Mark Hamilton and his able crew in the harbor I can see the lighthouse and I’d gladly sail, row, swim, walk on water, or show up as morning dew to get to the voting booth! I’d like to see all the fish catch one good fisherman for a change – and I know this guy is “a keeper”…. Warm Regards, Liz Szarka