My take on Mark Hamilton is that …
Hello Mark, I was very fortunate to have responded to a letter, send by the late Dr. F. W., in… read more
Hello Mark, I was very fortunate to have responded to a letter, send by the late Dr. F. W., in… read more
To all concerned: The search is over because truth prevailed. I’ve come across all types of studies while graduating from… read more
To Mark Hamilton, A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton,and I purchase his literature. I read… read more
My name is Armando Vega, a proud Neothink member who has learned many valuable concepts that I could never learn… read more
Dear Mark Hamilton, although we have not yet met in person, the impact your, the Neothink Society, and the growing… read more
Dear Mark Hamilton, Although my involvement with the Neothink Society has been quite recent (since December 2009 when I received… read more
I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth about existence and a way to create unity in… read more
This should not happen to this Society. The great values I have learned more and the help it gave me… read more
Greeting Mark Hamilton I feel gratitude for what Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society Literature has done for my personal life and… read more
Hello to all concernedThis is in recognition to the wonderful work that Mr. Mark Hamilton the Neothink Society and the… read more
“All you need is Love”…..John Lennon sang unto the world, back in the 70’s. “Cheated like a dove” the world… read more
It is so important for the American people to build upon the whiff of freedom that Mark Hamilton is releasing… read more
Hello Out There!The search is over because truth prevailed. I’ve come across all types of studies while graduating from Wayne… read more
The books are very good literature !!!!!! All true !!!!!! Better than biblia !!!!!! I dont know why they want… read more
Hello my name is Timothy Harris Ima member of the Neothink Society i’ve learned so much this whole experience it… read more
What is your answer to crime? What is your answer to Police brutality? What is your answer to racism and… read more
How do we now employee the Neothink visions through-out? How do we vanish all the unnecessary so citizens the the… read more
Mark, I am in constant awe of your writings. Your sales letter to our members for my CD is incredible.… read more
Dear Mark Hamilton, I have been waiting for the day I could finally meet you. I am over joyed to… read more
WOW, is all I can say. This is so surreal, so mind blowing I think I will stay up tonight!I… read more
Hello,I want to post this testimony about the genuine compassion of Mark Hamilton. I took an overview of my life… read more
Dear Mark Hamilton The Neothink Society has lead my life from boredom, haltered, negativity, and confusion to better health, happiness,… read more
When I read and study the literature of more than 3000 pages of Mark Hamilton and his Neothink® Society, I… read more
I don’t know how I could start my story. But the only thing I know now is the books of… read more
Hi this is K.A and I feel that Mark Hamilton is a great man and People should quit attacking him.… read more
Dear Neothink Society, and skeptics, At this point, I have not encountered a single person who has read any literature… read more
To whom it may concern: I would like to send my thanks and gratitude to Mark Hamilton. I think he… read more
I want to personally thank my mentor Mark Hamilton for that entire work he has done for me and is… read more
My father had a passion for sports two in particular were football and basketball he watched every game and knew… read more
The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to guarantee those conditions… read more
Mark Hamilton presented me with an age old truth, that I was totally unaware of. If you value Freedom and… read more
MARK HAMILTON, NEOTHINK AND THE NEOTHINK SOCIETYBy Dr. Stanley D. Murphy, Ed.D. I find it an honor and privilege to… read more
The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party are the long awaited answer to our present economic crisis. The Neothink… read more
My name is Michael Edwards, from Gainesville, FL. I’ve spent much of my 57 years studying and discussing the machinations… read more
Greetings, I being a member of the Neothink Society for years and a daily reader of the Prime Literature written… read more
A few years ago I was angry, frustrated, and completely disgusted with my life and with society as a whole.… read more
Dear Mark Hamilton The message of Neothink is so concise and true. The more I know about Neothink makes me… read more
Mark Hamilton is my hero,since he is changing the world for the better. Here comes the C of U. Love… read more
Absorbing the prime literature piece by piece, as I pulled together all the pieces,I visualized a super-puzzle. This puzzle is… read more
Hello There! I’m here today to try to tell you How it was!How it is!And where I see myself going… read more
Lost Limitations Started a Business Before I was contacted buy Mr. Mark Hamilton.I was searching the internet for vitamins and… read more
I want to send my most appreciative thanks to Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes like a child again. He… read more
Mark Hamilton and Neothinking; Honesty/Love/compassion is illustrated to help you make good decisions. I am so very thankful now when… read more
The Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s literature has inspired me in so many ways. With me piercing through the illusions, I’ve… read more
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton, It is an honor to be asked to express myself on behalf of the Neothink movement.… read more
To the Neothink Society, This is Armando Vega, I have read the three large heirloom books and attended the clubhouse… read more